bare metal

It’s tough in the current economic climate to hire and retain engineers focused on system admin, DevOps and network architecture. In a recent Gartner survey, IT executives cited talent shortages…

MetalSoft aims to help manage server infrastructure through automation — a startup that has developed an open-source framework as well as proprietary apps that make it easier for any kind of enterprise to build and operate artificial intelligence-based… raises $100M at a $1.6B pre-money valuation for tools to make AI usable by any kind of enterprise

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How Roblox completely transformed its tech stack

Picture yourself in the role of CIO at Roblox in 2017. At that point, the gaming platform and publishing system that launched in 2005 was growing fast, but its underlying technology was aging, consisting of a single data center in Chicago and a bunch of third-party partners, including AWS, all…

How Roblox completely transformed its tech stack

Equinix announced today that it is acquiring bare metal cloud provider Packet, the New York City startup that had raised over $36 million on a $100 million valuation, according to…

Equinix is acquiring bare metal cloud provider Packet

Google Cloud today announced the launch of a new bare metal service, dubbed the Bare Metal Solution. We aren’t talking about bare metal servers offered directly by Google Cloud here,…

Google Cloud launches Bare Metal Solution

Over the course of the last year and a half, the OpenStack Foundation made the switch from purely focusing on the core OpenStack project to opening itself up to other…

With Kata Containers and Zuul, OpenStack graduates its first infrastructure projects

When you think about Infrastructure as a Service, you typically pay for a virtual machine that resides in a multi-tenant environment. That means, it’s using a set of shared resources.…

AWS announces new bare metal instances for companies who want more cloud control

Cloud computing has been a revolution for the data center. Rather than investing in expensive hardware and managing a data center directly, companies are relying on public cloud providers like…

Full-Metal Packet is hosting the future of cloud infrastructure

AWS, Amazon’s cloud computing division, today announced its long-awaited bare metal instances for its EC2 service. With bare metal, you get direct access to the hardware and access to virtually…

AWS launches bare metal instances