Area 120

After Google cut all but three of the projects at its in-house incubator Area 120 and shifted it to work on AI projects across Google, one of the legacy efforts…

Checks, the AI-powered data protection project incubated in Area 120, officially ‘exits’ to Google

Last week, we learned Google’s in-house R&D group, Area 120, had been severely impacted by the broader Google workforce reduction, impacting teams working on some of Google’s more experimental ideas.…

Google spares three Area 120 R&D projects, including team working on a ‘Gen Z consumer product’

Area 120, the Google in-house incubator responsible for products such as Checks, Tables, Stack and ThreadBite, has been significantly affected by broader layoffs at Google parent company Alphabet. A spokesperson…

Area 120, Google’s in-house incubator, severely impacted by Alphabet mass layoffs

Google CEO Sundar Pichai, speaking at the Code Conference last week, suggested the tech company needed to become 20% more efficient — a comment some in the industry took to…

Google cancels half the projects at its internal R&D group Area 120

A team at Google is today launching a new product for mobile app developers called Checks which leverages AI technology to identify possible privacy and compliance issues within apps, amid…

Google’s Area 120 debuts Checks, an AI-powered privacy compliance solution for mobile apps

Pinterest today announced a new initiative designed to help the company increase its pace of innovation. The company is introducing an in-house, experimental products team called TwoTwenty — named after…

Pinterest launches TwoTwenty, its own in-house incubator for new projects

Google Labs is back, but this time around, it’s not a consumer-facing brand delivering a range of experimental products. Instead, it’s the internal name given to a new team at…

Google reorg moves AR, VR, Starline and Area 120 into new ‘Labs’ team

Following entries into the newsletter market from tech companies like Facebook and Twitter, Google is now experimenting with newsletters, too. The company’s internal R&D division, Area 120, has a new…

Google’s R&D division experiments with newsletters powered by Google Drive

Last fall, Google’s in-house incubator Area 120 introduced a new work-tracking tool called Tables, an AirTable rival that allows for tracking projects more efficiently using automation. Today, Google says Tables…

Google’s AirTable rival, Tables, graduates from beta test to become a Google Cloud product

Google’s in-house incubator, Area 120, is today releasing its latest project called Stack, an app that will help you digitize your documents, receipts and other papers you have lying around…

Google’s Area 120 launches Stack, an app that digitizes personal docs and extracts key information

The team at Google’s Area 120 in-house incubator says the idea for ThreadIt came well before COVID-19 made remote work a necessity for large swaths of the globe. Of course,…

Google Area 120’s ThreadIt is bite-size video for team collaborations

Hundreds of millions of users, especially in developing markets, don’t own high-end smartphones and can’t afford fast data plans to enjoy much of anything on the web. Google has been…

Area 120 is beginning to use Google’s massive reach to scale HTML5 GameSnacks platform

Google’s in-house incubator Area 120 is today introducing a new work-tracking tool, Tables, which aims to make tracking projects more efficient by investing in automation. Instead of simply tracking notes…

Google launches a work-tracking tool and Airtable rival, Tables

Google’s latest experiment is a video shopping platform designed to introduce consumers to new products in under 90 seconds. The company today is launching Shoploop, a project from Google’s internal…

Google’s latest R&D project is Shoploop, a mobile video shopping platform

A new project called Keen is launching today from Google’s in-house incubator for new ideas, Area 120, to help users track their interests. The app is like a modern rethinking…

Google’s latest experiment is Keen, an automated, machine-learning based version of Pinterest

A new project called GameSnacks is launching today from Google’s in-house incubator, Area 120, with the goal of bringing fast-loading, casual online games to users in developing markets. Billions of…

GameSnacks, from Google’s Area 120, brings fast, casual online games to developing markets

Featured Article

The engineers behind Google’s Bookbot have launched a delivery robot startup

The engineers behind Google’s short-lived Bookbot — a robot created within the company’s Area 120 incubator for experimental products — have launched their own startup to bring the sidewalk delivery bot back to life. The secretive startup called Cartken was formed in fall 2019 after Google shuttered an internal program…

The engineers behind Google’s Bookbot have launched a delivery robot startup

The latest project to emerge from Google’s in-house incubator, Area 120, takes the newfound interest in short-form video and focuses it on the DIY space. The company today is launching…

Google’s Area 120 launches Tangi, a short-form video app focused on creativity and DIY

Earlier this year, Google’s in-house incubator launched CallJoy, a virtual customer service phone agent for small businesses that could block spammers, answer calls, provide callers with basic business information and…

Google’s CallJoy phone agent for small businesses gets smarter, more conversational

Crowdsourced transit app Pigeon, developed within Google’s Area 120 lab for experimental projects, is today rolling out to five new cities across the U.S., in addition to New York —…

Pigeon, a ‘Waze for public transit’ from Google’s Area 120, expands across the US

Area 120, Google’s lab for experimental projects, is launching Byteboard today, a new tool that aims to make the technical interview experience less tedious and more effective. The team argues…

Google’s Area 120 launches Byteboard to improve technical interviews

A new project from Google’s in-house incubator, Area 120, aims to help people find things to do and others who share your same interests. Through a new app called Shoelace…

New Google Area 120 project Shoelace aims to connect people around shared interests

Facebook’s former teen-in-residence Michael Sayman, now at Google, is back today with the launch of a new game: Emojishot, an emoji-based guessing game for iOS, built over the past 10…

Now at Google, Facebook’s former teen-in-residence launches new social game Emojishot

Rivet, a new app from Google’s in-house incubator, wants to help children struggling to read. The app hails from Area 120 — Google’s workshop for experimental projects — and includes…

Google’s latest app, Rivet, uses speech processing to help kids learn to read

Google is combining several technologies, including virtual phone numbers, audio transcriptions, automated reporting and analytics, in a new effort to help small business owners better manage their inbound phone calls.…

Google launches CallJoy, a virtual customer service phone agent for small businesses

“Conversational marketing” is a phrase that I hear a lot, but when the team at AdLingo uses it, they mean something specific — namely, bringing chatbots and other conversational assistants…

Google-incubated AdLingo uses chatbot integration to create conversational ads

There’s a new app coming out of Google’s Area 120 incubator that could help New York City subway commuters navigate the ever-growing number of delays. While the Pigeon app is…

Google’s Area 120 incubator aims to improve your NYC subway commute with Pigeon

Google’s internal incubator, Area 120, is today releasing its next creation: a learn-to-code mobile app for beginners called Grasshopper. At launch, the app teaches would-be coders how to write JavaScript,…

Grasshopper, a learn-to-code app from Google’s Area 120 incubator, goes live

Smart Reply, the clever A.I.-powered technology that automatically creates responses to your inbound messages, first debuted in Google’s email client Inbox over two years ago, before later rolling out to…

A Google R&D team wants to bring Smart Reply to all your chat apps

Google today is more formally taking the wraps off its internal incubator, Area 120, with the launch of a dedicated website, alongside the launch of one of the program’s more…

Google unveils Advr, an experimental Area 120 project for advertising in VR