Apple Tablet

In the movie Contact, when revealing to main character Ellie Arroway (Jodie Foster) that there is actually a second space travel machine that was being built at the same time…

Pictures: The iPad Being Manhandled

Okay, we’ve all seen the iPad now. We’ve read all about it. We’ve seen video of it in action. But how is it to actually hold? I took a bunch…

Video: The iPad In Action

By now you’ve probably seen the videos on Apple’s site showing the iPad. But those aren’t always indicative of the way it actually works in real life. Luckily, Apple had…

[UK] Nobody generates hype better than Apple and we Brits lap it up just like everybody else. Hitwise Intelligence, the web measurement firm, reports that the iTablet, iSlate, Apple Tablet… This is where all of our live content for today’s Apple event will live. To make things perfectly clear, Apple won’t let us film inside the event. However, CrunchGear…

The big day finally arrived, and Apple introduced the iPad this morning (yeah, you heard that already). Strangely, during the course of the much-anticipated event, Apple’s stock went down, as…

Steve Jobs revealed the Apple iPad today, its much-awaited tablet computer (see our live notes). Jobs positions it as a third computing device between a laptop and a smartphone geared…

We’re in the middle of Apple’s special event, where Steve Jobs is showing off the much-anticipated iPad for the first time (yes, that name is now official). And judging by… Wait in line, buddy.

Fair warning, this is probably a fake – we all know that people love to prank the night before an Apple event. Some suspected pictures of the iPad have shown…

So very true. [Slate via Daring Fireball]


The Top Ten Groundbreaking Slates

Tomorrow is a big day. Apple will be revealing a brand new product to the masses. While we don’t know what it will be called, we’re quite certain Jobs will…

At this point in the game, you know as much about the Apple tablet as we do — squat. Sure, some esteemed tech pundits seem to have it all figured out, but…

McGraw-Hill. Ever heard of them? If you’ve picked up any textbook written in the last hundred years or so, chances are they published it. Well, their CEO just spilled the…

To say there are no shortage of Apple Tablet rumors leading up to tomorrow’s event is perhaps the king of all understatements right now. But here’s maybe the best one…

This isn’t a rumor, it’s just a wish. I’m hoping that the Apple Tablet that is announced tomorrow will have a capacitive touch interface that extends past the screen and…

Apple isn’t the only company with tablets. HP and Dell showed off its slate concepts at CES ’10, but their demo’s left us with so many questions. HP’s CTO Phil…

A tweet posted on Twitter account @Media_Markt_de resulted in a flurry of blog posts on leading tech news sites, reporting on possible confirmation of the existence and indicative pricing of…

Media Markt is large German retailer with, it seems, an overactive Twitter account (and, it must be said, a very red website). claims they caught them in the act…

Is This The Apple Tablet? (Pretty Pictures)

Who knows if these are real, but these are easily the most legitimate looking pictures I’ve ever seen of the supposed Apple Tablet/iPad/iSlate/iBook/Whatever It Will Be Called. Further, UI designer…

There’s been some minor speculation that the Apple Tablet will be one of the greenest devices on the market. Why? Because after a patent surfaced describing an iPod with a…

Yesterday, we noted that multiple sources have heard Steve Jobs refer to the soon-to-be-unveiled Apple Tablet as the “most important thing I’ve ever done.” Today brought two statements out of…

Of all the rumors swirling around the Apple Tablet expected to be announced on Wednesday, the one most everyone can agree on is that it will be used as a…

Yesterday, we noted that multiple sources have heard Steve Jobs refer to the soon-to-be-unveiled Apple Tablet as the “most important thing I’ve ever done.” Today brought two statements out of Apple that…

Apple has just announced its Q1 2010 earnings, and as expected, they’re very good. I’ll get to the numbers in a second, but perhaps more notable are two Steve Jobs…

The First Apple Tablet Commercial? No Way.

Earlier today, the French site posted a video of what looks to be a commercial for Apple’s new tablet device, expected to be unveiled on Wednesday during an Apple…


The killer app for Apple's tablet: Gaming

This guest post is by Jeff Scott, founder and publisher of 148Apps, a blog providing fanatical coverage of everything iPhone and hopefully soon, the Apple tablet. While we still don’t…

“This will be the most important thing I’ve ever done” – Steve Jobs, referring to the soon-to-be-launched Apple Tablet. We haven’t heard this first hand, but we’ve heard it multiple…

It appears that Apple has tipped their hand regarding the name of their expected tablet computer. Way back in September of 2009, Apple filed to oppose Fujitsu regarding the name,…