4th of July

Take a few minutes right now to score two-for-one passes to TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco on October 18-20. This holiday flash-sale won’t last forever. In fact, it ends today,…

Today, last chance to snap up a TechCrunch Disrupt two-for-one ticket

Summer is whipping right along, with Memorial Day and the Summer Solstice already in the rear-view mirror. We’re rounding the corner into the next long holiday weekend here in the…

Fourth of July flash sale: Two-for-one passes to TechCrunch Disrupt

With vaccination rates slowing in the U.S., the White House is getting creative about getting shots in arms. Beyond protecting yourself and others from a deadly disease, the latest incentive…

White House teams up with dating apps to give vaccinated users free perks

Hello, weekenders. This is Week-in-Review, where I give a heavy amount of analysis and/or rambling thoughts on one story while scouring the rest of the hundreds of stories that emerged…

Week-in-Review: Alexa’s indefinite memory and NASA’s otherworldly plans for GPS

From Alaska to Europe, the world has spent the past few weeks roasting under temperatures never before seen in recorded history. In Alaska, all-time-high record temperatures were set across the…

Heat waves bring record-breaking temperatures on a geological scale

Featured Article

Why you should naturalize — now, not later

Three in five of the country’s biggest tech companies — Apple, Facebook and Google among them — were founded by first- or second-generation immigrants.

Why you should naturalize — now, not later

July 4 is American Independence Day, but it also marks the arrival of Stranger Things season three — a release that might just be the most-anticipated in the history of…

Stranger Things 3 is now available on Netflix

The Fourth of July will be a little different tomorrow at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, Calif. Instead of fireworks, 500 Intel Shooting Star drones will take to the…

500 Intel drones to replace fireworks above Travis Air Force Base for Fourth of July

For some of us, hot dogs, patriotic songs and fireworks are enough. We here at TechCrunch expect more of our readers. Why be satisfied with fireworks when you could literally…

How our Founding Fathers raised a Series A