Serkan Toto

CEO & Founder, Kantan Games Inc.

Dr. Serkan Toto is CEO & Founder of Tokyo-based Kantan Games Inc., an independent game industry consultancy focused on the Japanese market.

He is sept-lingual, holds an MBA and is a PhD in economics.

Serkan Toto

Latest from Serkan Toto

Japanese VC firm Infinity Venture Partners is organizing the so-called Infinity Ventures Summit Fall 2013 (IVS) in Kyoto/Japan this week, an online industry event that’s taking place twice a year. Like at every IVS,…

Japanese VC firm Infinity Venture Partners has organized the so-called Infinity Ventures Summit Fall 2012 (IVS) in Kyoto/Japan earlier this week, a two-day web industry event that’s taking place twice…

From The Infinity Ventures Summit In Kyoto/Japan: 12 Demos From Japanese Startups

New York- and Seoul-based Moglue (last year’s TechCrunch Disrupt Beijing finalist) has rolled out a few changes to make it easier to create and publish interactive ebooks on smartphones and…

Moglue Lets Authors Create And Publish Interactive Ebooks On iOS And Android The Simple Way

It’s no secret that developing and testing Android applications can be difficult, but a newly launched solution called DeployGate intends to take the pain out of part of the process.…

DeployGate: Simple, Over-The-Air, Real-Time App Beta Testing Comes To Android

Creating and publishing content-rich, interactive ebooks without programming skills or distribution power: that’s the problem New York- and Seoul-based startup Moglue is trying to solve. The TechCrunch Disrupt Beijing finalist offers two products: MoglueBuilder (a…

Moglue Makes It Dead Simple For Anyone To Create And Publish Interactive Ebooks

A big domestic market of 92 million people, English as an official language, a large IT talent pool, and a strategic location in South East Asia: the Philippines surely has…

Manila-Based Social Music Service Twitmusic Makes It Into 500 Startups

Gnzo, the video startup that made its debut at TechCrunch Disrupt in September 2010 (it was called Gunzoo then), has its first consumer-oriented product ready. Named after the Japan-based maker…

Gnzo Is Instagram For Video And A Flashy Multi-Video Viewer In One

NEC did it again: about 11 months after unveiling the world’s slimmest smartphone at that time, the company is ready to release another super-thin Android phone with a set of…

MEDIAS ES N-05D: NEC’s New Android Phone Is 6.7mm Thin, Connects To Casio’s G-SHOCK GB-6900

WiGig, a multi-gigabit speed wireless communications technology, was first announced back in 2009, but it took companies like Panasonic quite a while to come up with applications that make use…

WiGig: Panasonic Tablet Wirelessly Transmits A Full DVD Video In 60 Seconds (Video)

Do you own the latest version of the iPod nano (sixth generation)? Do you look for a way to turn it into a watch? If yes, then this watch conversion…

nanox: High-Quality iPod nano Watch Conversion Kit

Bad news from Japanese tech powerhouse NEC: the company yesterday announced [PDF] a net loss of $1.13 billion in the three months through December 2011, compared with a net loss…

NEC Forecasts $1.3 Billion Loss, Ready To Cut 10,000 Jobs Worldwide

Android adoption is growing rapidly in Japan, with local handset manufacturers doing everything they can in order to meet the demands of customers in all segments of the population. One…

Disney, Q-pot Choco, Honey Bee: Japan Gets 3 Extra-Cute Android Phones

Following Fujitsu, another Japanese electronics maker is ready to sell color e-book readers: Toshiba announced [JP] the so-called BookPlace DB50 today, a 7-Inch device that comes with direct access to…

BookPlace DB50: Toshiba Introduces Android-Based Color E-Book Reader

3DS sales have picked up lately, but Nintendo’s financial numbers are still weak. Big N today released [PDF] another set of disappointing results for the first nine months of its…

Nintendo Reports US$630 Million Net Loss Between April And December 2011, Announces Wii U For 2012

A team of researchers at the Photonic Network Research Institute of Japan’s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) has developed a new light source technology that might pave…

Japan’s NICT Creates Quantum Dots To Boost Optic Fiber Bandwidth By 7-10 Times, Shoot High-Res Pictures Of Molecules (Video)

More news on the Sony-Olympus alliance that’s supposed to be announced soon: Japan’s biggest business daily The Nikkei is reporting today that big S is interested in purchasing a stake…

The Nikkei: Sony Interested In Buying A 20%-30% Stake In Olympus

It would be a tie-up between two giants: Diamond Weekly, a major Japanese business journal, is reporting [JP] on its website today that scandal-hit Olympus is about to ink a…

Report: Olympus In Final Stages Of Negotiations To Partner With Sony

Two big Japanese electronics companies, namely Hitachi and Mitsubishi, are to stop producing parts of their product portfolio domestically: Hitachi announced [JP] it will end production of plasma and LCD…

Hitachi And Mitsubishi Stop Domestic Production Of TVs, Optical Discs

Resident Evil isn’t the only big video game series that made the news in Nippon today: Konami announced [JP] the so-called METAL GEAR SOLID SNAKE EATER 3D PREMIUM PACKAGE for…

Snake Camouflage: Japan Gets Exclusive Metal Gear Solid 3DS System

One of the world’s biggest video game franchises is getting a new title: Capcom today announced Resident Evil 6 [JP] for the Xbox 360, Sony PS3, and the PC. What’s…

Capcom Announces Surprising November Release For Resident Evil 6 (First Trailer)

It’s not really news to say that the Galaxy S II is a hit, but it has actually become a mega hit in South Korea. According to maker Samsung, the…

Samsung: One In Ten South Koreans Now Owns A Samsung Galaxy S II

Japan-based UC Technology Corp. [JP] has developed a wireless sensor that can automatically post data like temperature, humidity, illuminance, or radiation levels to Twitter. The so-called “Tsubuyaku Sensor” [JP, PDF]…

Wireless Sensor Posts Temperature, Humidity, And Radiation Levels To Twitter (Video)

First, Japan got the world’s first connected home garden device, and now it’s time for Nippon to get the world’s first cloud-based LED lighting system. Developed by Tokyo-based lighting tech…

NetLED: Japan Gets Cloud-Based, Smartphone-Compatible LED Lighting System

The Infobar C01 from yesterday was a bit too much for you? Not to worry, Japan still produces “ordinary” Android phones: Fujitsu’s ARROWS μ F-07D [JP], which mobile carrier NTT…

ARROWS μ F-07D: Fujitsu’s Android Phone Is Waterproof And 6.7mm Thin, Comes With 4-Inch OLED

An iPhone case from Nissan? As you can imagine, it would make no sense for the automaker to develop an ordinary case, and the so-called Nissan Scratch Shield iPhone Case…

Scratch Shield: Nissan Introduces World’s First Self-Healing iPhone Case

Japan’s mobile landscape is currently in the midst of an Android revolution, and today KDDI au (the country’s second biggest carrier) announced another 5 smartphones with that OS on board…

INFOBAR C01: Japan’s Newest (And Most Colorful) Android Phone

Do women need special cell phones? Certain companies, such as Deutsche Telekom or Samsung, seem to think so. Now Fujitsu Japan is ready to roll out [JP] not one but…

Fujitsu Japan Rolls Out 2 “Girls-Only” Cell Phones

It’s not a Tesla, but Japan-based Tajima Motor Corporation has developed a zero-emission (and pretty cool-looking) mini sports car. The so-called EV Mini Sport [JP] has been publicly showcased first…

EV Mini Sport: Mini Electric Sports Car From Japan (Video)

Panasonic isn’t just making TVs, phones, or cameras, they are also producing household appliances. One such appliance has recently been introduced by Japanese business daily The Nikkei, and it’s probably…

Panasonic Shows Cloud-Based “Smart Vegetable Garden” Device For Home Use

Tokyo- and Singapore-based mobile media platform Cinemacraft announced it has extended its Series A round by securing an investment from Dave McClure’s 500 Startups. The fresh money from the US…

Mobile Media Platform Cinemacraft Extends Series A Round With Investment From 500 Startups