Rish Joshi


Rish is an entrepreneur and investor. Previously, he was a VC at Gradient Ventures (Google’s AI fund), co-founded a fintech startup building an analytics platform for SEC filings and worked on deep-learning research as a graduate student in computer science at MIT.

Rish Joshi

Latest from Rish Joshi

Humanoid robots have not stood up to the expectation set forth by Rosie from The Jetsons in the 1960s, but they’re finally becoming good enough to come to market.

Enabling humanoid robot movement with imitation learning and mimicking of animal behaviors

Beyond the role software can play in helping enable better data sharing and contact tracing, there are many other problems in which software can play a critical role in resolving.

It’s time to build against pandemics

The potential for advances in online learning to enable personalized learning experiences, both in terms of newer platforms and apps that help assess domain-specific knowledge, are much broader than we…

Assessing the potential for a gig economy in education

What if you could mix and match different tracks from your favorite artists, or create new ones on your own with their voices? This could become a reality sooner than…

Generative algorithms are redefining the intersection of software and music

If you’ve ever been stuck using a health provider’s clunky online patient portal or had to make multiple calls to transfer medical records, you know how difficult it is to…

Health APIs usher in the patient revolution we have been waiting for

Machine learning ops focuses on the ML model and datasets, as opposed to code. Data engineers run MLOps, but it’s likely that the specialized role of MLOps engineer will come…

Enterprise companies find MLOps critical for reliability and performance

AI algorithms for deep-reinforcement learning have demonstrated the ability to learn at very high levels in constrained domains.

The future of deep-reinforcement learning, our contemporary AI superhero