Ram Iyer

Editor, TC+, TechCrunch

Ram is a financial and tech reporter and editor. He covered North American and European M&A, equity, regulatory news and debt markets at Reuters and Acuris Global, and has also written about travel, tourism, entertainment and books.

Ram Iyer

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Insurtech companies can leverage data in this way to make the process more efficient for both the insurer and the insured.

Everything you need to know about parametric insurance

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Rounds that matter: Fintech’s fortunes, DAO dreams, Asia’s reseller revival

Here are the venture rounds and other startup-related financial news from the past week that you need to know about.

Rounds that matter: Fintech’s fortunes, DAO dreams, Asia’s reseller revival

A lot has happened with SVB, and unless it’s your job to edit the news, it’s possible you missed a slice of the saga, if not the entire story. Here’s…

Everything you need to get caught up on the SVB crisis

“There’s going to be an extreme shift in general in the financial industry when it comes to financing startups.”

3 investors presage the future of startups and VC following SVB’s downfall

With the end of 2022 right around the corner, here’s a look at some of the more interesting answers some of our surveys unearthed this year.

The best TechCrunch+ investor surveys of 2022

For now, it seems as though designers will stick with Figma for lack of a reasonable alternative, which is something that Adobe and Figma can build on.

Designers underwhelmed by Adobe-Figma deal

Hear us out. It’s conventional wisdom that meetings are killers of productivity and morale and happy work environments. So why not write an email?

3 views: Meetings are bad, yo. Choose emails

Coinbase is having to defend its model to investors who may have bought into its stock when it was trading much higher. And per its own notes, the bad times…

5 takeaways from Coinbase’s disappointing Q2 results

Marketing can’t cure everything that ails a company, but it is the easiest channel to make iterative changes that produce immediate results.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Revisit your marketing stack, pitch deck teardown, after the acquisition

There’s one bright light amidst the gloom: Startups that generate enough revenue to drive steady growth will find many investors willing to take their calls.

TechCrunch+ roundup: SBA startup loans, quarterly board decks, bootstrappers’ delight

Unlike soft drinks, startups are not a volume business, which means they must revisit their pricing models regularly.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Pricing strategy, technical due diligence, pitch deck appendix fever

I remember the dread I felt as a startup worker during downturns when I read about mass layoffs at tech firms that had previously been considered ascendant.

TechCrunch+ roundup: SaaS success stats, leveraging ad tech chaos, 2022 layoff trends

It sounds counterintuitive, but in this environment, a lower valuation might help you retain and hire talented employees.

TechCrunch+ roundup: CEO pregnancy checklist, decision-tree planning, reassessing valuations

As a veteran startup worker who has been laid off during economic downturns, it’s dissonant to hear investors say this is a good time to launch a software startup. They’re…

TechCrunch+ roundup: Non-dilutive biotech capital, long-term angel investing, WayRay’s $80M pitch deck

According to The Good Food Institute, fermentation startups received $290 million of the $911 million investors dropped on alternative protein companies in Q1 2022.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Food tech smorgasbord, VCs squeeze crypto founders, startup layoffs 101

It’s difficult to build high-growth clean tech companies using venture capital. Despoiling the planet has a much higher return on investment than saving it.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Climate tech survey, AI/ML marketing strategy, immigration law Twitter Space

Tech’s rolling green meadows are seeing fewer new unicorns, but the slowing venture market suggests that past mega-deals are making it harder for early-stage startups to fundraise.

TechCrunch+ roundup: 11 PLG tactics, addressing copycat stigma, ‘unicorn glut’ theory

If you’ve ghosted someone after extending a verbal offer of employment, that’s going to be a consideration for future candidates. People talk!

TechCrunch+ roundup: Optimizing dev teams, O-1A visa criteria, growth’s golden metric

If you work in a startup, here’s some real talk: Your managers are not giving you the full picture of your company’s financial situation.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Stripe vs. Plaid, IP litigation, what VCs really think about the downturn

As you may have heard, tech companies are having a bit of a whoopsie.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Construction tech survey, founder-CEO friction, diversify your cap table

Fundraising is only one part of the journey. If you can’t connect with an investor who’ll help you find and fill in your gaps with regard to talent or expertise,…

TechCrunch+ roundup: DTC data strategy, starting up solo, insuretech growth versus risk

If your face doesn’t appear on the team slide in your company’s pitch deck, this would be a good time to cancel your upcoming vacation. And maybe one of your…

TechCrunch+ roundup: Find your valuation, international visas, hiring for growth

Round sizes are getting smaller, but investors are raising their expectations: how fluent are you when it comes to your startup’s key metrics?

TechCrunch+ roundup: Drive growth with Q5 data, BNPL investor survey, calculating CAC/LTV

If you can envision a solution that solves a customer’s problem, it helps to have technical skills if you want to bring it to market. But that’s not a requirement.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Psychedelic investor survey, 6 issues VCs look for, hiring on a budget

This week, we’re running several articles on entrepreneurship as TechCrunch staffers recap their conversations and panel discussions from our Early Stage event earlier this month. Stay tuned!

TechCrunch+ roundup: Immigration law Q&A, finding your problem, why a16z pitched Deel

Farmers don’t get embarrassed when the price of corn drops; similarly, there’s no reason for startup founders to lose their joy because publicly traded tech stocks are undercutting their valuations.

TechCrunch+ roundup: VC ‘bottom feeders,’ valuation calculator, think like an investor

The U.S. is the world’s largest cannabis market, but as more European countries consider legalizing recreational use, investors are looking for opportunities in production, distribution and retail.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Musk’s Twitter bid, European cannabis survey, borrowing against NFTs

With a focus on education that addresses the fragmentation associated with infertility care, Kindbody is growing at a remarkable pace, but it’s also helping many patients feel seen and heard…

TechCrunch+ roundup: The Kindbody TC-1, Glossier’s mistakes, calculating startup runway
Biotech & Health

The Kindbody TC-1

It’s telling of our maturity as a society that infertility is a concept approached with awkwardness and uncertainty.

The Kindbody TC-1

You may not have heard of Amadeus, but if you’ve taken a trip, you’ve probably interacted with its tech stack.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Psychedelic biotech, Gogoro’s SPAC, H-1Bs for Ukrainians