Navin Chaddha

Managing Partner, Mayfield Fund

Navin Chaddha is managing partner at Mayfield, an early-stage venture capital firm with a 50+ year track record.

Navin Chaddha

Latest from Navin Chaddha

We have customized our ‘people-first’ framework to apply to AI companies and are using it to guide our investment decisions.

A ‘people-first’ view of the AI economy

As we meet with many AI-native founders, here are the top five pieces of company-building advice we’re sharing with them.

5 questions investors should be asking inception-stage generative AI founders

While it might seem daunting to question potential investors, remember that you need to build a mutual zone of trust for the long journey.

10 questions early-stage founders should be asking investors

Featured Article

Mayfield’s Navin Chaddha: I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now

My third startup had been in the market only a year when the internet bubble burst and had not yet found product-market fit.

11:06 am PDT • May 24, 2022
Mayfield’s Navin Chaddha: I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now

For founders, the gyrations of the stock market, the resulting correction in public market tech stocks, and the inevitable impact on private company fundraising might seem disheartening.

Survival tips for startup founders living through their first market correction

The irony is that there’s never been a better time to be an inception investor given lower capital needs of getting from idea to Series A milestones.

What is happening to risk-taking in venture capital?

We face two major threats today: one to the health of our planet and the other to our own. Fortunately, biology and technology are creating fixes for the planet as…

Biology as technology will reinvent trillion-dollar industries

With the end of Moore’s Law, new semiconductors are required for a cloud-native, data-dominated, AI-powered, IoT world. The rise of new players will put silicon back into Silicon Valley.

The renaissance of silicon will create industry giants

I have long been fascinated by the promise of the world of autonomous transport. However, as the conversation at a recent event turned to the complexities that autonomous cars might…

A people-first view of investing in innovation or entrepreneurs who take people for granted will fail

Jason Kilar’s interest in customer service was sparked by a visit to Disney World when he was 10 years old. The wonder he felt as he walked underneath the train…

Jason Kilar on founding Vessel and the wonderful world of customer service

James Currier focuses on building businesses with network effects, and he builds those businesses by choosing the right people first. Currier started as a schoolboy entrepreneur, selling worms to fishermen…

NFX Guild’s James Currier’s journey from baiting hooks to baiting big deals

Jonah Goodhart started his entrepreneurial journey while still in college at Cornell University. What started out a bit haphazardly with an email list turned into solid learning opportunities that have…

Journeying from entrepreneur to investor and back again

Serial entrepreneur discusses his journey starting up and exiting two tech companies in Silicon Valley.

Elastica’s chief executive Rehan Jalil on being an entrepreneur in Silicon Valley

Manish Chandra is founder and CEO of Poshmark. As a serial entrepreneur, he also founded Kaboodle in 2005, one of the industry’s first social shopping sites, that was acquired by…

Poshmark CEO Manish Chandra on moving from enterprise businesses to social shopping

Serial entrepreneur Jake Winebaum discusses the road to launch Brighter, his dental benefits startup.

Jake Winebaum explains how cutting his teeth as a serial entrepreneur led him to launch Brighter

Dheeraj Pandey, is co-founder & CEO of Nutanix, one of the most disruptive software infrastructure companies today.  He has held leadership positions with Aster Data & Oracle.  He is a…

Nutanix CEO & Serial Entrepreneur Dheeraj Pandey On “Letting Go” As A Leader

In this podcast, Max talks about having true passion for an area of business, on the difficulty of building network effects businesses, the happiest day of an entrepreneur’s life, and…

Serial Entrepreneur Max Levchin On Leaving A Legacy

Marten Mickos discusses leadership lessons, the evolution of open source and the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Europe.

Ex-MySQL CEO Marten Mickos On Leadership And The Open Source Revolution

Chris Michel talks about the similarity between photographing the North Pole and being an entrepreneur, his learnings from being fired as CEO of his first company, similarities and differences between…

From The North Pole To Northern Californian Startups: A Conversation With Chris Michel

Venky Harinarayan, is an e-commerce veteran who co-founded comparison shopping engine Junglee (acquired by Amazon in 1998), worked closely with Jeff Bezos to create Amazon Marketplace, created topical guide to…

Venky Harinarayan On E-Commerce And Focus

In this podcast, B.V. Jagadeesh, a Silicon Valley veteran who co-founded and led iconic companies such as Exodus Communications, talks with Mayfield’s Navin Chaddha about bootstrapping Exodus in its early…

Serial Entrepreneur B.V. Jagadeesh Talks Bootstrapping And Mentoring

In this podcast, Golub talks with Mayfield Fund’s Navin Chaddha about picking apricots in Silicon Valley, learnings from the challenging Plaxo journey, his excitement around leading Docker, the current climate…

From Plaxo To Docker, Ben Golub Talks Innovation And Mentorship

The DockerCon user conference recently concluded in San Francisco, and the evidence of the container movement gaining momentum was clear — 2,000+ attendees, 70 sponsors and more than 40 exhibitors.…

A Look At Startup Opportunities In The Container Era

The software-defined data center should be a call to all entrepreneurs focused on enterprise infrastructure that the past does not predict the future, but it can be undone by it.…

The Dawn Of The Age Of The Software ‘Infrapreneur’

As we enter the second half of 2014, it would be fair to say that big data has gone mainstream, attracting coffee table books, multiple industry landscapes, consumer applications, and…

Five Factors In Building Giants Of The Big Data Era