Marc Gilman


Marc Gilman is general counsel and VP of compliance at Theta Lake. He is also an adjunct professor at Fordham University School of Law.

Marc Gilman

Latest from Marc Gilman


Where is suptech heading?

With the finance world now leveraging tech to conduct business, financial services regulators are also developing new tech to monitor markets, supervise institutions and for administration.

Where is suptech heading?

AI as a blueprint for fintech startups

FINRA’s AI Report is particularly interesting for fintechs since it explores how firms are deploying AI as well as the agency’s expectations for AI oversight.

AI as a blueprint for fintech startups

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Recommendations for fintech startups navigating the procurement process

Payments and lending spring to mind as “classic” fintechs, but other models like regtech, compliance, human resources and marketing are on the ascent.

Recommendations for fintech startups navigating the procurement process

Technology has been used to manage regulatory risk since the advent of the ledger book (or the Bloomberg terminal, depending on your reference point). However, the cost-consciousness internalized…

The startups creating the future of RegTech and financial services