Karl Mehta

Karl Mehta is the founder and chief executive of EdCast,
and the founder of Code For India.

Karl Mehta

Latest from Karl Mehta

With as much as half of all current jobs going away in the next 10-12 years, let’s adopt the following mission: making learning accessible and feasible for every single employee.

In the knowledge economy, we need a Netflix of education

Lessons from Dharamsala on business and life

12:30 pm PST • January 15, 2017

Why don’t we set our goals around giving sincerely and unconditionally in our personal lives and careers. Forget about what you want to receive back — the universe returns back…

Lessons from Dharamsala on business and life

If you were an employee on Henry Ford’s assembly line in Detroit in the 1920s, you received a high degree of training and preparation before you ever set foot in…

In a knowledge economy corporate learning is necessary to survive

Education As A Tool For Disrupting Terrorism

8:00 am PST • February 2, 2016

Last year will be remembered as one of the biggest years of extremist violence around the world. The west has experienced several brutal tragedies, while those in the Middle East…

Education As A Tool For Disrupting Terrorism

Despite rebranding its free Internet.org ‘walled garden’ of apps plan in India under the new name of “Free Basics,” Facebook remains in direct violation of an open internet. Facebook’s first…

Facebook’s Plan to Monopolize The Internet In India Should Be Defeated