Julian Shapiro


Julian Shapiro is the founder of BellCurve.com, a growth marketing team that trains startups in advanced growth, helps hire senior growth marketers and finds vetted growth agencies. He also writes at Julian.com.

Julian Shapiro

Latest from Julian Shapiro

You can grow your following, increase your brand awareness and get website traffic by simply piggybacking off popular Tweets.

Piggyback on popular Tweets to get brand awareness

For higher response rates, mirror your prospect by having a person with the same job title from your own team reach out.

Accessing social groups through referrals

Plus: how to monitor and fix Facebook/Instagram ad fatigue, and using mobile app ads to drive landing page conversions.

More thoughts on growing podcasts

Create a system that helps identify which users are at risk so you can proactively reach out to them before they leave.

Creating a robust churn-reversal system

B2B leads typically require multiple touches before they become customers. You can help leads move quicker through your funnel by dynamically adjusting the landing page content they see.

Use dynamic CTAs to close more B2B leads

Tips for writing great onboarding emails, using behavioral psychology for more referrals and other strategies for growing your startup.

Use accelerated retargeting to increase conversions

Typically, your primary goal with an ad channel is to make it profitable. But you shouldn’t necessarily turn off a channel if it’s merely break-even.

Break-even ads can generate free brand awareness

We’ve aggregated many of the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into…

Anomalous data can lead to growth opportunities

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How to advertise a podcast in 2020

This is how you stay up-to-date on growth marketing tactics — with advice that’s hard to find elsewhere.

How to advertise a podcast in 2020

We’ve aggregated many of the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into…

Gauging email success, invite-only app launches and other growth tactics

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Decrease user churn by better managing expectations

Plus, competitor ads analysis for Facebook, budget explainer ads and more.

Decrease user churn by better managing expectations

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Direct mail still works if you avoid common mistakes

We’ve aggregated many of the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into this Growth Report.

Direct mail still works if you avoid common mistakes

We’ve aggregated the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into this Growth Report.

Turning Google traffic into leads, and what’s new in SEO

We’ve aggregated the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into this Growth…

Getting more people to open your emails

We’ve aggregated the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into this Growth…

What’s the right way to sponsor a YouTube influencer?

How to get people to open your emails

We’ve aggregated the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into this Growth…

How to get people to open your emails

We’ve aggregated the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into this Growth…

How to get your ads working, and whether PR is worth it

We’ve aggregated the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into this Growth…

How to work with top influencers and avoid ad blockers

Advice on content marketing always talks about getting people to your blog. But, what about once they’re there — how do you get them to then buy from you?

The secret of content marketing: avoid high bounce rates

Every company’s online acquisition strategy is out in the open. If you know where to look. This post shows you exactly where to look, and how to reverse engineer their…

How to see another company’s growth tactics and try them yourself

Editors Note: This article is part of a series that explores the world of growth marketing for founders.

How do you hire a great growth marketer?

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How do startups actually get their content marketing to work?

Even the best growth marketers fail to get content marketing to work. Many are unwittingly using tactics from 4 years ago that no longer work today.

How do startups actually get their content marketing to work?

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What’s the cost of buying users from Facebook and 13 other ad networks?

This post reveals the cost of acquiring a customer on every ad channel my agency has tested.

What’s the cost of buying users from Facebook and 13 other ad networks?

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Which types of startups are most often profitable?

I co-run an agency that teaches a hundred startups per year how to do growth marketing. This gives me a unique vantage point: I know which types of startups most often reach profitability.

Which types of startups are most often profitable?

[tc_aol_on code=”518913168″] Watch Sergie Magdalin, the co-founder and creative director of the visual website building toolkit for professionals, Webflow, discuss some of his harrowing early days as an entrepreneur. Since raising funding…

Founder Stories: Webflow’s Y Combinator Journey