John Rampton

John Rampton is founder of online invoicing company Due.

John Rampton

Latest from John Rampton

More than seven years after the financial crisis began, economies worldwide are growing. Much of the recovery has been led by government spending, including massive sums on infrastructure projects, which…

As compliance pressure mounts, businesses turn to regulatory technology

The JOBS Act was signed into law by President Obama in 2012, allowing companies to acquire funding through online portals from non-accredited investors, which roughly accounts for 97 percent of…

What regulation crowdfunding in the JOBS Act means to entrepreneurs and startups

It’s anticipated that there will be more than 4.8 billion individuals using a mobile phone by the end of 2016. Because of this enormous growth, we can expect to see…

The evolution of the mobile payment

By now everyone has heard of Google’s RankBrain, the new artificial intelligence machine learning algorithm that is supposed to be the latest and greatest from Mountain View, Calif. What many…

Artificial intelligence is changing SEO faster than you think

It’s being predicted that by the end of this year, mobile payment transactions in the U.S. will grow 210 percent. Despite this impressive gain, it turns out that not everyone…

The broken world of mobile payments and how to fix it

The Breakthrough Energy Coalition is continuing to address the need for clean energy by bringing together both the private and public sectors, which have a bigger impact than the measures…

What Zuckerberg And Gates Teaming Up Really Means For Clean Energy In 2016

Gone are the days of the 40-hour work week that kept us at work eight hours a day. I find that most startup founders or business owners in Silicon Valley…

The Freelancer Generation: Why Startups And Enterprises Need To Pay Attention

Talk of the bubble bursting eventually surfaces with every successful market. When valuations are increasing exponentially, excitement is building to a fever pitch, and companies are sprouting seemingly overnight –…

There Is No Silicon Valley Crash Coming — For A While