Gaetano Crupi


Gaetano Crupi is a partner at venture capital firm Prime Movers Lab. He serves on the boards of OCEANIX, Atom Computing, Conscious Cultures and MycoWorks.

Gaetano Crupi

Latest from Gaetano Crupi

By keeping the information you provide tightly coupled with the initial story that captured investor interest, you create momentum within the partnership.

How to create a due diligence road map for Series B investors

Founders should think of three primary documents as their holy trinity: the deck, the strategy memo and the forecast model to capture attention and ensure info is transmitted clearly.

Getting serious about Series B: 3 documents that will help founders control the narrative

Featured Article

Use chronological scenario planning to help your startup get through a potential recession

We have spent over a decade being conditioned to plan for the upside. But getting really good at preparing for the downside will help you thrive through this next cycle.

Use chronological scenario planning to help your startup get through a potential recession