Danny Crichton

Contributor, TechCrunch

Danny Crichton is an investor at CRV and a former contributing writer at TechCrunch.

Danny Crichton

Latest from Danny Crichton

Silicon Valley was once one of the most productive regions in the country for the defense industry, churning out chips and technologies that helped the United States overtake the Soviet…

With more cash and a launch, Vannevar Labs is reconnecting Silicon Valley to its defense industry roots

In a late Friday night blow to Uber, Lyft and other gig worker-centered companies, a superior court judge ruled that California’s Proposition 22, which was passed in 2020 and designed…

California’s gig worker Prop 22 ruled unconstitutional by superior court

Disinformation, misinformation, infotainment, algowars — if the debates over the future of media the past few decades have meant anything, they’ve at least left a pungent imprint on the English…

A mathematician walks into a bar (of disinformation)

Emergency response is a time-sensitive business. When fires burn or a driver crashes their car, seconds can mean the difference between saving lives and watching a situation spiral rapidly out…

Paladin publicly launches Knighthawk, a first response drone for cities

Floods are devastating. They rip asunder communities, wipe out neighborhoods, force the evacuation of thousands of people every year and recovering from them can take years — assuming recovery is…

FloodMapp wants to predict where water goes before it washes away your home

News is vital to society, but it’s also incredibly expensive to produce. As ad rates have suffered across the industry (minus a positive blip this summer), publishers have increasingly turned…

informed., you want to be? Trio of European media veterans take on the problem of news economics

This week, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its major sixth assessment report on the physical science of climate change. The details are grim, if getting more precise, as…

Following the IPCC’s report, we need more technology to respond to more disasters

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The RapidSOS EC-1

Numbers can take on profound cultural significance, but few numbers have quite the resonance as 911, the emergency number for the United States. Few want to dial it, but when they must, it works.

The RapidSOS EC-1

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Smoking pizza ovens and pilfered dollar bills, or the early story of RapidSOS

RapidSOS’ story is one of a mission, a community, a team and a dream that every emergency should have the best chance to be resolved as positively as possible.

Smoking pizza ovens and pilfered dollar bills, or the early story of RapidSOS

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RapidSOS learned that the best product design is sometimes no product design

For the founders of RapidSOS, improving the quality of emergency response by adding useful data, like location, to 911 calls was an inspiring objective, and one that garnered widespread support.

RapidSOS learned that the best product design is sometimes no product design

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How RapidSOS used creative tactics to build partnerships and a BD engine at scale

One of the most challenging aspects of leading a startup is the seeming impossibility of building partnerships and executing business development. Large companies are sclerotic and bureaucratic, taking eons in terms of startup years to make decisions that for them are small, but for a new company, can be life…

How RapidSOS used creative tactics to build partnerships and a BD engine at scale

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After a decade, Congress might finally bring 911 into the internet age

When it comes to user-interface design, 911 is about as good as it gets. It’s the “most recognized number in the United States,” Steve Souder, a prominent 911 leader, points out.

After a decade, Congress might finally bring 911 into the internet age

Bubble enables anyone — coder or not — to begin building modern web applications using a click-and-drag interface that can connect data sources and other software together in one fluid…

No-code Bubble raises $100M to make technical co-founders obsolete

Database technology can change the world, but the world in these parts changes very, very slowly. That’s made building a startup in the sector a tough equation.

The CockroachDB EC-1

It’s so critical to frame the problem from your perspective. And I also think that this is a really great opportunity to introduce emotion to really build a more compelling…

Khosla’s Adina Tecklu breaks down how to nail your pitch

Off the Grid is a mainstay of the San Francisco culinary scene. The event company, founded by Matt Cohen in 2010, created neighborhood pop-up festivals centered around entrepreneurial food trucks.…

SF’s Off the Grid food truck festival refocuses on emergency response and services

When it comes to tough environments to build new technology, firefighting has to be among the most difficult. Smoke and heat can quickly damage hardware, and interference from fires will…

You can see fires, but now Qwake wants firefighters to see through them

One of the great things about editing all of our deep-dive EC-1 startup profiles is that you start to notice patterns across successful companies. While origin stories and trajectories can…

Why did file sharing drive so much startup innovation?

It’s been almost exactly a year since we launched The TechCrunch List, a curated directory of venture capitalists designed to guide founders to the VCs most relevant to their startups.…

The TechCrunch List is dead — long live commodity capital

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The NS1 EC-1

There are excruciatingly high stakes for software today. Trillions of dollars of market cap, billions of consumers, hundreds of billions of revenue, and limitless hours of usage are dependent on software working in real time, all the time, without downtime. As the sophistication of software delivery has increased, every layer…

The NS1 EC-1

When it comes to detecting events transpiring anywhere in the world, few companies hold a candle to Dataminr. Founded in 2009, the company has raised more than $1 billion over…

Dataminr’s first ever acquisition is UK-based geovisualization platform WatchKeeper

It’s been quite the year for crypto capital, what with Coinbase’s blockbuster debut earlier this year in a direct listing and A16Z raising $2.2 billion for its third crypto-focused fund.…

Acrylic raises debut $55M solo GP fund to paint the future of crypto

The increasingly intense heats bearing down feverishly across the globe are accelerating the number, scale, and complexity of disasters worldwide. Just in the past few weeks, we have seen record…

Verizon demos THOR, its new vehicle for frontline rapid humanitarian response

As firework volleys launched out of New York City harbor last night, a very different celebration was likely taking place just a few blocks down the street at Verizon’s official…

SoftBank buys perpetual Yahoo trademark license for $1.6 billion

It’s a sweltering day here in New York City, and that means Wall Street is on fire, and so is Robinhood, apparently. The popular stock…

Robinhood is going public and we’re very excited

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Startup leaders need to learn how to build companies ready for crisis

It’s been a tough year for business. From ransomware attacks and power outages to cloud downtime and supply-chain disruptions, it’s never been more important to communicate to customers and stakeholders about what’s going wrong and why. Yet, with partial data and misinformation often spreading faster than official word, it’s also…

Startup leaders need to learn how to build companies ready for crisis

Soldier-entrepreneurs are unfortunately still a rare breed in Silicon Valley, despite the region’s origins in Cold War defense spending. While the courage and perseverance required to fight in an overseas…

Can the military academies compete with Stanford and Harvard in venture? Two veterans are raising $50M to find out

Free money from the government sounds like winning the lottery, but the reality is that most tech startups and even local retail businesses and restaurants can potentially qualify for tax…

Gusto makes first acquisition, buying Ardius to expand into R&D tax credits

Databases run the world, but database products are often some of the most mature and venerable software in the modern tech stack. Designers will pixel push, frontend engineers will add…

Neo4j raises $325M as graph-based data analysis takes hold in enterprise

Pitching is the single most important skill a founder needs to refine to be successful in building a startup. You can’t attract a co-founder, teammates, customers or investors without a…

Mar Hershenson joins us at TechCrunch Disrupt on how to craft your pitch deck