Andy Stinnes


Andy Stinnes, general partner at Cloud Apps Capital Partners, leads early-stage investments in cloud businesses and serves as active board member and adviser for portfolio companies.

Andy Stinnes

Latest from Andy Stinnes

Over the next 24 months, we will see a profound migration of senior cloud talent from public and late-stage private SaaS companies to healthy early- to mid-stage companies.

The Great Migration and the next 10-year cycle in cloud

Featured Article

Raising the right amount of capital after a correction

If you are just getting started — or even still just dreaming about your own startup — is a downturn like this even a good time to start a company? We believe it is an excellent time.

Raising the right amount of capital after a correction

Founders often come from successful cloud firms and have seen what an efficient sales machine looks like at the growth stage. But that is very different from a company just…

3 factors to consider when building an early-stage cloud sales team

Venture firms have more dry powder, deal sizes are growing rapidly and valuations are soaring. But a closer look reveals that these trends apply very unequally across the funding continuum.

The venture bull market is great for founders, but not in the way they might expect

Seed is not the new Series A

Most Series A investors today look for around $2 million in annual recurring revenues (ARR) before they lean in, but getting to that figure is a very long and thorny…

Seed is not the new Series A