Amanda Milligan


Amanda Milligan is head of marketing at Stacker Studio, a newsroom and newswire that partners with brands to create and distribute content to high-quality news publications, earning brand authority and links.

Amanda Milligan

Latest from Amanda Milligan

Earned media carries a ton of value, but not everyone understands how to measure its impact or grasp its full effect on your organic growth.

How to grow your organic traffic with earned media

Providing real value through content is an excellent way to build authority in the short and long term. The key is figuring out the best route for your investment.

3 strategies for elevating brand authority in 2021

If you’ve run into roadblocks, make sure you’re not making any of these mistakes with your content or your pitching.

6 reasons why reporters aren’t interested in your content marketing

Utilizing content marketing and digital PR can make huge strides in getting your brand name out there.

2 strategies for creating top-of-funnel marketing content

A lot is debated in the SEO world, but nearly everyone can agree that links are and will continue to be vitally important to the health and rankability of a…

Earn the best backlinks with high-quality content and digital PR

Plenty of ideas have merit, but when it comes to which ones you move forward with, make sure you’re investing time and budget into the ideas with the highest probability…

We throw away 80% of our content ideas, and you should too

The industry has evolved for a variety of reasons, including Google’s algorithm updates and the state of digital media. We’ve had to change along with them.

What we’ve learned from building 40,000+ links for clients