Hackulous, the company behind the popular (and controversial) app Installous which let people easily download pirated apps on jailbroken iOS devices, has shut down. In what iDownloadBlog’s Sebastien Page has…

Hackulous Shuts Down, Taking Its iOS Piracy App Installous With It

Editor’s note: Derek Andersen is the founder of Startup Grind, a 35-city event series hosted in 15-countries that educates, inspires, and connects entrepreneurs. He also founded Commonred (acquired by Income.com) and is ex-Electronic Arts. There are…

How The Huang Brothers Bootstrapped Guitar Hero To A Billion Dollar Business

Amazon Is Not A Commerce Company

11:00 am PST • December 30, 2012

Same-day shipping became the big retailer craze this holiday season. Why? As the New York Times points out, retailers are living in fear of Amazon.com and trying to match what…

Amazon Is Not A Commerce Company

In the few years I’ve been in Silicon Valley, if someone asked me to sum up — in one word — what defined and dominated consumer technology applications during that…

Iterations: It’s Early Innings For Digital Pictures

Backed Or Whacked: Ignoring The Little People

8:00 am PST • December 30, 2012

Editor’s note: Ross Rubin is principal analyst at Reticle Research and blogs at Techspressive. Each column looks at crowdfunded products that have either met or missed their funding goals. The period leading up…

Backed Or Whacked: Ignoring The Little People

Never before have I binged on so many delicious desserts, yet been stronger or more ripped. For 3 weeks, I experimented with a cult bodybuilding diet, Carb Backloading, which promises…

Extreme Diet Hacking With Tech: How Cheesecake Made Me Leaner And Stronger With Carb Backloading

Foursquare — which this year passed its three-billionth check-in, added 15 million more users to its network, and in October kicked off a new chapter as a stronger competitor to…

Foursquare To Start Using Full Names, Sharing More Of Your Data With Venues From January 28, According To New Privacy Policy

Editor’s note: Maria Rocio Paniagua currently works as a project manager at Innku, one of the top mobile and web workshops in Mexico. A few weeks ago, Vivek Wadhwa visited Mexico and…

While There Are Some Glimpses Of Progress, Mexico Faces A Long Road To Innovation

Research In Motion is set to launch BlackBerry 10 and two handsets at the end of January. But at this point, there shouldn’t be many surprises. Nearly every detail of…

In Case Anyone Cares, Here Are Leaked Shots Of The BlackBerry X10, RIM’s Upcoming BB10 QWERTY Handset

Editor’s note: Stephen Danos is the associate editor for the mobile app discovery site Appolicious. This year’s most captivating games either pushed the envelope with state-of-the-art graphics and rich narratives, or…

The 10 Best iOS And Android Games Of 2012

Our brothers and sisters over at Engadget are holding their first red hot, super exciting conference called Expand in SF in March. The event will feature all the boring, old…

Insert Coin: Engadget Is Looking For Some Cool Crowdfunded Projects

Intel is preparing to launch its rumored virtual cable TV service and set top box, and has a plan to overcome licensing hurdles. Rather than roll out nationwide, the launch will…

Intel’s Cable TV Service And Set Top Box Will Soon Roll Out City By City

Facebook’s High-Stakes Poker Game

12:00 pm PST • December 29, 2012

Editor’s note: Antone Johnson is a startup lawyer specializing in early-stage consumer Internet and location-based businesses. Facebook has been accused of creating a slavish copy of Snapchat. Yet Poke may turn out to be a poster…

Facebook’s High-Stakes Poker Game

Employers and schools in Michigan, the greatest state in the Nation, are now prohibited from asking employees and students for passwords to their personal email and social media accounts. In…

Michigan Becomes Latest State To Protect Citizens From Employers And Schools Snooping On Private Social Feeds

Gillmor Gang: Slow Poke To China

10:00 am PST • December 29, 2012

The Gillmor Gang — Robert Scoble, Kevin Marks, Keith Teare, and Steve Gillmor — toast marshmallows around the social campfire as the PostApocalypse prepares to ring in a new year.…

Gillmor Gang: Slow Poke To China

Unnatural Acts And The Rise Of Mobile

9:45 am PST • December 29, 2012

Editor’s note: Keith Teare is General Partner at his incubator Archimedes Labs and CEO of recently funded just.me. He was a co-founder of TechCrunch. As all predatory, or formerly predatory, men…

Unnatural Acts And The Rise Of Mobile

The gift-giving has ended as we head into the new year, but many of us still need to pick up a few things. For example, if you happen to be…

Trade A Bit Of Facebook Privacy For Free Samsung TecTiles, Flip Covers

You might finally start seeing some Android phones out in the wild around Silicon Valley. Samsung Electronics Co. just announced a major expansion of its Silicon Valley operations, which includes…

Samsung To Build A Massive R&D Complex In Silicon Valley

All Journalism Is Tech Journalism Now

6:00 am PST • December 29, 2012

I am about to commit an act of meta-journalism. I’m sorry. I hate meta-journalism. I unfollowed GigaOm’s Mathew Ingram (a fine writer) on Twitter some time ago because I could…

All Journalism Is Tech Journalism Now

[Note: This is a weekly series. If your company is doing something amazing to help a charitable cause or doing some good in your community, please reach out.] Sometimes, the…

The Weekly Good: DonorsChoose And “Big Hairy Audacious” Goals To Help Teachers

TigerLogic, a company with a market cap of about $56 million that provides data management and app development solutions for enterprises, said it agreed to acquire Portland mobile developer Storycode…

TigerLogic Acquires Storycode For Up To $7.25M To Bolster How Brands Reach Mobile Users

A lawsuit filed yesterday by Theodore F. Schroeder claims that Pinterest investor Brian S. Cohen stole the idea for the social sharing service. The suit, which was first reported in…

Lawsuit Alleges That Early Pinterest Investor Stole The Idea, Pinterest Says Suit Is ‘Baseless’

After the communication breakdown over surge pricing last New Year’s Eve, Uber is taking precautions to make sure users are aware of fare increases next week. Surge pricing has become…

To Mitigate Any Surge Pricing Surprises, Uber Debuts Sobriety Tests And Fare Estimates For New Year’s Eve

While most of us were enjoying the holidays with our families all over the world, someone who is related to the CEO of Facebook posted a photo of her family…

There’s A Difference Between Private And Personal

It’s been days, possibly even weeks, since we’ve covered a wedding-focused startup. Let’s change that, shall we? OneWed, the company formerly known as Nearlyweds, is now on iPad. The new…

OneWed Brings Its Inspirational Wedding Imagery To iPad

Nook Media, the Barnes & Noble subsidiary that handles Nook e-readers and digital content, announced today that education publisher Pearson has invested $89.5 million, giving it a 5 percent stake…

Nook Media Takes $89.5M From Pearson, Says Holiday Sales Fell Below Expectations

Buzzfeed has found a “security hole” in an app that is totally not used for sexting, Snapchat, and an app that is also totally not used for sexting, Poke. The two…

“Bug” Lets People Save Snapchat And Poke Videos, But Why Would Anyone Want To Do That?

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, which is nice and all — but for businesses, flattery doesn’t exactly pay the bills. However, when said flattery comes along with…

Data Shows Online Buzz About Snapchat Is Skyrocketing After The Launch Of Facebook Poke

Airport Chatter, which debuted just in time to take advantage of the busy holiday travel season, is a new mobile application aiming to be the one-stop shop for everything related to air…

Flying Home? Airport Chatter Brings Airport Info To iPhone, Socializes Travel

Cheezburger, the internet publisher responsible for LOLcats, FAIL Blog, and other memes, has raised $5 million in funding, according to an SEC filing. A spokesperson for the company confirmed the…

I Can Has Funding: Cheezburger Raises $5M From Foundry, Madrona , Softbank For LOLcats, FAIL Blog And Other Memes