iOS devices are generally very accessible for most people. But for felines? Apparently so according to the video recently tweeted by Halfbrick, the developer of Fruit Ninja. It’s clear within…

This Cat Might Be Better At Fruit Ninja Than Your Kids

Photo organization service (and TechCrunch Disrupt finalist) Everpix has just launched into public beta, bringing with it a number of changes to its backend infrastructure, web interface and its desktop software. The service,…

Photo Organization Service Everpix Launches Public Beta

Casio Japan is planning [JP] to roll out the G-SHOCK GB-6900 on March 16 next year, a wristwatch that connects to certain smartphones via Bluetooth LE (LE=low-energy, a standard that’s…

Casio’s New G-SHOCK Connects To Smartphones, Shows Incoming Calls, Emails, SMS

It’s the end of the year and that means Zaraguza Digital has cooked something special for all tech bloggers struggling to find something to post on a very slow news…

It’s My Meme Karaoke Party And I’ll Cry If I Want To

Point Nine Capital has made a seed investment into Cibando, an Italian startup which operates a popular iPhone application that makes it easy to find the best restaurants in Rome,…

Shock Horror! Berlin VC Invests In Italian Startup. Is This The Start Of Something?

Daily Crunch: Car Tracking

1:00 am PST • December 30, 2011

Here are some recent posts on TechCrunch Gadgets:

Daily Crunch: Car Tracking

Today in employee loyalty and the slow winter tech news cycle, someone is selling an Apple “Five Year Employee Award,” on eBay, for $2K if you want to buy it…

Someone Is Selling An Apple “Five Year Employee Award” On eBay, For $2K

It seems that Verizon (or Motorola) got the message: The Droid Xyboards are too damn expensive when tied to a 2-year commitment. Until today, Verizon was selling the 10.1 Xoom…

Verizon Cuts $50 Off The Droid Xyboards On-Contract Price But They’re Still Too Expensive

Google is experimenting with its Google Adwords offerings, attempting to go beyond regular text ads with Google Email Subscription Ads, allowing companies to buy ads that automatically fill in a…

Google Testing New Email Subscription Ad Format

There are iPhone cases and then there are…more iPhone cases. There are probably close to a gazillion different iPhone cases available now. But none are as elaborate as the Gizmon…

The Gizmon iCA Might Be The Ultimate iPhone Camera Case

Early this year, Amazon made a bold move: it took advantage of the open nature of Android to launch an Android Appstore — one that serves as a direct rival…

Tiny Flashlight Illuminates The Kindle Fire’s Appstore Impact

After a disastrous Q3 2011, Netflix stands to replace some of the 800,000 subscribers it lost. It’s savior? The Facebook news feed. Earlier this month, the House of Representatives passed…

Could ‘Watched On’ Facebook News Feed Stories Save Netflix?

Callin’ Oates. Heard of it? If not, you’ve gotta get yourself some more meme-hungry friends. Built (partly as a gag) to satisfy a Twilio employee’s new-hire requirements, it’s an on-demand…

600,000 Calls Later, Callin’ Oates’ Developers Share Their Code

[Update 12/29/2011 5:20pm: Facebook tells me it has now made the Messenger for Windows download link publicly available in its Help Center. Users can also learn details about the client there. Still no…

Update: Facebook Officially Releases “Messenger For Windows” Desktop Client Following Leak

comScore has just released its latest numbers regarding the mobile landscape here in the U.S., finding that Samsung is still the top OEM with a 25.6 percent marketshare, up just…

comScore: Apple Grows Mobile Marketshare From 9.8% To 11.2%, But Samsung’s Still Top OEM

Most third party web measurement firms have provided a steady drumbeat of positive growth news for Facebook over the years, as the company has gained tens of millions of users…

Facebook Started Saturating The US Market In 2011

We’re all familiar with the pain of having to share photos with people. I’m not talking about the staff party album on Facebook, I’m talking about moments that matter -…

Just in time for the aptly named “Dump Go Daddy” day, our favorite PR pinata GoDaddy just emailed a number of press, with a fresh statement from new CEO Warren Adelman. From…

Burned By Fleeing Customers, GoDaddy No Longer Just ‘Doesn’t Support’ But Actually “OPPOSES” SOPA

I loved talking to the skankiest prostitutes at three in the morning with a camera crew around me, fires burning in the street, sad, abused people clinging to scraps of…

How to Survive Your First Year As An Entrepreneur

Members of the Occupy movement are building a “Facebook for protesters” called The Global Square, Wired reported yesterday. Less than a traditional social network, it’s an international collaboration network. While a…

Good Luck Occupiers, But Here’s Why “Facebook For Protesters” Won’t Work

Say what you will about YouTube’s affinity for cats or their audience’s collective inability to write insightful comments, but there’s one thing that YouTube really just doesn’t get enough credit…

Tubalr Is Like Having Your Own Personal 80’s MTV

There are a lot of naysayers out there when it comes to the Windows Phone platform, but as Robin pointed out a couple of days ago many haven’t really given…

LTE-Capable Windows Phones Should Ship In The First Half Of 2012

Gazelle Lab, the brand-new Tampa Bay-based TechStars Network member which just held its first Demo Day in November, is expanding its operations. The accelerator has just announced the opening of second location…

Tampa’s TechStars Network Member Gazelle Lab Opens 2nd Location In Orlando

While 2011 is almost over, the year has only really just begun in terms of determining its historical significance. 2011 wasn’t, of course, just another year. Like 1989, 1968, 1917…

Keen On…. Kurt Andersen: Why 2011 Has Only Just Begun (TCTV)

Yesterday Droid-Life obtained a leaked internal document from Verizon that had a surprisingly annoying little tidbit within: “Beginning 1/15/12, there is a $2 ‘convenience fee’ for making a credit or…

Is Verizon Joking? Paying Online/By Phone Will Soon Cost You An Extra $2

According to the end-of-season benchmarks from Compuware’s web performance division, Apple.com was among the top three best-performing retail websites during the 2011 holiday season. Meanwhile, Amazon made the list for…

Holiday Shopping Wrap-Up: Apple Makes Top Performing E-Commerce Site List, Amazon Excels On Mobile

The Most Important Gadgets Of 2012

9:22 am PST • December 29, 2011

Rather than looking back (which I’m sure we will), I thought it would be nice to look forward to 2012 and beyond and note some of the gadgets that will…

The Most Important Gadgets Of 2012

According to new data from Benedict Evans for Enders Analysis, the number of monthly active users of Facebook’s mobile apps recently passed the 300 million mark. This is primarily due…

Nearly 40% Of Facebook Users Are Mobile App Users

If you even so much as whisper your Klout score within specific circles, you’re likely to be met with a piercing stinkeye. Based in San Francisco with a small pot…

Despite Attacks, Klout Is Poised To Boost Its Influence

Gillmor Gang Live 12.29.11 (TCTV)

8:00 am PST • December 29, 2011

The Gillmor Gang – Esteban Kolsky, John Taschek, and Steve Gillmor – are recording live at 8am PT. Recording is concluded.

Gillmor Gang Live 12.29.11 (TCTV)