
Who’s Got The Smallest? Argard’s M10 For Sure

Though Argard isn’t a household name like Nokia or Jabra, its new M10 Bluetooth headset just might make them one. This shiny coin-shaped earpiece fits snugly into your ear and…


Got Milk?

If I had this commercial growing up I probably would have drank more milk. Hell just watching this makes me want a glass. Milk Gooood [Tokyo Mango]


Teclast Says Touch Me

Teclast has introduced a new touch-screen MP3 player that’s a smidge smaller than a credit card. Of course, we won’t be seeing one in the States, but hey at least…


Motorola A910 Gets FCC High Five

Good news for those of you are beyond sick of Motorola’s crappy OS: Moto’s A910 won’t come with it. The FCC approved Motorola’s new Linux-based A910 cellphone for use on…

Google Notebook: Use the Privacy Option

It looks like some people using Google Notebook are bookmarking sensitive personal information, including social security numbers and email passwords. And others are finding that sensitive information via the Google…


Dyne Tuny 9 and Tuny 11 DAPs

Just a heads up that Dyne is releasing the Tuny 9 and Tuny 11 in Korea and both look sexy as hell! You can pick them up in 512MB (why…

Microsoft has all the cash in the world and you’re telling me they couldn’t hire a better guy in PR and Advertisement? Whatevs Microsoft. Your Windows 95 commercial is seriously…


Eight Hour Laptop Battery? Mebbe

Ever been on a really long airplane flight and your battery gives out about 3/4 of the way through your Seinfeld: Season 5 DVD? No longer will you miss George…


What Did You Receive For Hanukkah?

Shabbat shalom my fellow Jewish CrunchGear readers! Since there are so many Xmas posts asking what you got and wishing you a happy holiday, I figured I’d do one for…

Tools to convert file types, particularly audio and video files, are among the last to move from the desktop to the browser. Part of the problem is CPU usage during…

Python XM Bianco Laptop Bag Looks Good, Can Play Rough Trading PS3s for Wiis: What All the Kids are Doing The Most Beautiful Women Bloggers in the Whole Wide World…

TailRank and competitor Megite are fighting for second place behind blog news leader, TechMeme. It’s not surprising that both companies are expanding into ranking popular videos, too. But it’s surprising…

News At Seven is a brilliant piece of technology. The problem is that it is a useless product in its current form. And they used tax dollars to create it.…

Megite, a blog aggregation news service (see here for a comparison of Megite to its competitors) has launched a videos vertical that tracks popular videos in an interesting way. Unlike…


Reader Response: Holiday SPECTACULAR Days 01/02

So I totally intended to post an ifrogz winner yesterday, but it just didn’t happen. Bit too much Maker’s and too many distractions. In fact, I’m still hung over. I’ve…

The massive success of Jingle’s 800-Free-411 service, which allows people to get 411 information without the outrageous fees charged by cell phone carriers and other telephone companies (up to $3.50…

Behold one of the coolest laptop backpacks we’ve seen in awhile: The Python XM Bianco form Booqbags. Although extremely pricey at $179.99, this bag has tons of pockets, holders, and…


NYC Traffic Cams Watched By Public

You could call it an invasion of privacy or you could call it hours of drunken fun. Either way, apparently you can tune into some of NYC’s traffic cameras to…


A Glossy White PS3 Appears On eBay

Now this is a sweet looking PS3! Michal Birecki’s dad owns a body shop. So aside from being a loan shark, he can also paint cars and objects beautifully and…


Boot The iPod Into Diagnostic Mode

No lie. One time my cat was playing around with my iPod and when I picked it up, it had a funky debug-looking menu screen on it. I flipped out…

As of last Friday, PS3 owners are trading their consoles for Wiis at a considerable loss. Gigagamerz found that 48 traders were offering up their PS3s in San Francisco alone…


Why iPods Sell for $250, No Matter What

Even while everything else falls in price — TVs, DVD players, etc — why is it that a few specific items always stay hover around one price point? Slate disects…

We all do what we must to get through the night. Vista programmers write little songs about their product. Special Holiday Episode IV: Don Box and Chris Anderson [MSDN]

The Apple Cinema displays haven’t been updated since 2004, leading Apple wonks to believe that the company will upgrade their monitor line with iSight cameras, HDMI for protected content playback…

A Russian hacker and a California-based security team, Determina, have already found a user privilege enhancing hack as well as a number of IE 7 problems in the current version…

While Vince may be a runner up in the beautiful blogger contest, we here at Crunchgear know that members of the fairer sex are usually much more attractive than a…


What Did You Get for Christmas?

Now that things have settled down a bit, let us know what you got from Sandy Claus. I didn’t get much — I picked up a Mac Pro and a…

Business week has a long article about Yahoo’s Panama project and why it may not have the positive financial impact the company is hoping for. Yahoo’s goal for Panama is…

There’s an odd story developing that involves Pageflakes, a customizable Ajax home page product, and FeedBurner. BoingBoing was first to report this after noticing that their RSS feed count went…

A couple of days ago I posted a screenshot of what I believed to be an early version of the new Wikiasari search engine that Jimmy Wales has been talking…