
GSN Pays Tribute To Saddam Hussein With New Game

10:01 am PST • December 28, 2006

I’m all for hatin’ on deposed murderous dictators as much as the next person. This, however, seems like GSN.com is just asking for trouble now. The Game Show Network’s Web…

MacWorld is just around the corner, and with it endless speculation that 2007 will not only be the year Apple finally throws its hat into the mobile phone ring, but…


Cute Hello Kitty iPod Radio With Clock

9:35 am PST • December 28, 2006

You know, guys aren’t the only gadget buffs out there. Girls love to read about gadgets that cater to them as well. I’m not saying all girls love Hello Kitty/Sanrio…


Dazzling Toaster Amps

9:07 am PST • December 28, 2006

Why bother playing covers of Quadrophenia on a regular amp when you can kick it 1950’s style? These toaster amps from Hottie Amps come with a hella-sweet paint job and…

Because apparently Kevin Costner did when he chose to do this stupid commercial. It’s funny to reflect back at commercials from tech companies that try to appeal so softly to…


Between Holidays and CES

8:38 am PST • December 28, 2006

Holidays are over and CES is almost here. So what does that mean? It means only a miniscule amount of news is going to be released until the second week…


Battle Test: Python XM by booq

7:00 am PST • December 28, 2006

Meet my new day bag. The Python XM from booq. You might remember its special edition sister the Bianco from a few days ago. Both versions are identical in terms…


Ziff Davis For Sale

6:05 am PST • December 28, 2006

. What does this mean for us and, by extraction, you? Not much, but it’s extremely important to realize that the stalwarts like ZD are hitting a wall thanks to…

In this era of 60-hour video games and Cell processors, it’s easy to forget a small band of dedicated geeks who kept us from touching ourselves too much in high…

Chess player Umakant Sharma has been banned playing in All India Chess Federation tournaments after judges discovered a Bluetooth headset sewn into his cap. A friend had been playing a…


Noka: The Expensive Chocolate Expose

4:41 am PST • December 28, 2006

Noka is some sort of expensive chocolate brand that costs about $2,080 per pound, a considerable investment for something that your body will eventually process into solid waste. DallasFood, a…

<img src="https://techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/"review" over the holiday as a way to astroturf the magic of Vista to the world at large. Now, however, they're saying that these were "review laptops" and that…


Daily Crunch: Bag Check Edition

3:00 am PST • December 28, 2006

Who’s Got The Smallest? Argard’s M10 For Sure Plastic Strips Play Back Analog Recordings, Scare Gear Bloggers Luggage Tags for the Globe-Trotting Geek Presto EverSharp Have You Seen My Stapler…

There are clearly too many social networks, and if you belong to one you likely belong to many. Boston based (soon to be relocated to San Francisco) ProfileLinker’s aim is…

Russia-based, DRM-free music download site AllOfMP3 made a brief statement today in response to the RIAA’s $1.65 trillion lawsuit, filed in New York against them. In effect, they told the…


Breaking: HD-DVD Encryption Cracked

9:29 pm PST • December 27, 2006

I dugg up some information that HD-DVD encryption has been cracked. Not much is known but here are three links you’ll need to know if you want to try backing…

Ever been in a meeting with a PR guy and you hate his guts so bad you wish you could just shoot him? Well now you can, but it won’t…

So it seems a lot of people got iTunes Music Store giftcards for the holidays. I’ll even bet my money that little Johnny down the street got that iPod he…

PayPerPost In The News Again

6:14 pm PST • December 27, 2006

PayPerPost, the controversial startup that pays bloggers to write about advertisers’ products, will be in the news again tomorrow. They will be announcing the acquisition of blogging tools and services…

was this quote from the mother of the 12 year-old girl who received the sullied Zune: What do you tell a 12-year-old child that you have five men having sex…

We’re trying really, really hard to determine if Talking Tape is cool as hell or scary as hell. You tell us. These pieces of plastic tape have audio messages along…

Part of my anima revolves around me finding cool things immediately after they would have been useful. Like chipping teeth opening a beer only to be handed a bottle opener…


Reader Response: Holiday SPECTACULAR Day 03

5:39 pm PST • December 27, 2006

It’s a good thing this is a slow week, because I don’t think I’d be able to hang otherwise. I think I overdosed on tryptophan at some point Monday evening…


Presto EverSharp

4:59 pm PST • December 27, 2006

<img class="right" src="https://techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/horror when I saw this crazy knife sharpener on Uncrate. The utilizes a two-stage system with Sapphirite sharpening wheels to render your blades certifiably deadly and not suitable…


Tattoos for the Indescisive

4:34 pm PST • December 27, 2006

For years I’ve considered tattooing various lines of verse and prose all over my back. The problem is that I often change my mind on what lines I’d want to…


Magic For All You Gamers

4:14 pm PST • December 27, 2006

No not Magic the card game…nerds. In case you were wondering about that Samsung Magic Station that Biggs told you about way back when in October here are some stats…

People moan and bitch about how the PS3 costs $600 and so on. Well if you were considering buying a Blu-Ray drive for your home theater, a PS3 may be…


Samsung Does It Again

2:08 pm PST • December 27, 2006

Samsung has just released the thinnest HSDPA slider ever! HSDPA?!? That’s right the Z720 or the Ultra Edition 13.8 is revved up by High-Speed Downlink Packet Access that allows for…


Hey!Watch Online Video Converting

1:17 pm PST • December 27, 2006

TechCrunch is reporting on a service that might interest quite a few of you. Hey!Watch is a forthcoming service that gives users to intelligently convert media online. While we’ve discussed…


Vaporware 2006

11:59 am PST • December 27, 2006

Wired this morning released its annual vaporware list. It features several new entries from the likes of SED TVs, Will Wright, Skype and more. But, of course, what would a…