Riya Goes it Alone

8:35 pm PST • December 18, 2005

Riya, the celebrated facial recognition company that has allowed in a few lucky alpha testers over the last few months, was the subject of significant acquisition rumors a few weeks…

I recently wrote that the Ajax desktop space was getting crazy-crowded. That was before Google released their desktop widget API and favoor launched. And now we have a developer release…

Oodle to Add Events

3:05 pm PST • December 17, 2005

Oodle a vertical search engine for classified ads, is set to add events as a category in the next week or so. Oodle’s current categories include For Sale, Cars, Housing,…

Google Taunts Skype, Releases GTalk API

11:14 am PST • December 17, 2005

Google has just released a set of components called Libjingle that allow third party applications to interact with Google Talk. The components, which include some source code, are being released…

Podtranscript to Transcribe Podcasts

10:41 am PST • December 16, 2005

I’ve received dozens of follow up emails to a post I wrote last month called Companies I’d like to Profile (but don’t exist). Today I saw another one, from Joe…

Meebo Confirms Sequoia Funding

10:26 am PST • December 16, 2005

Meebo confirmed the rumor that they have received funding from Sequoia Capital on their blog. Congratulations to everyone involved. No real details yet, but I’m hearing that the pre-money valuation…

MusicStrands Does Music Search, Too.

4:36 pm PST • December 15, 2005

If Google Music Search isn’t for you, check out MusicStrands, a young company that relaunched its site yesterday. The company is based in Corvallis, OR (where is that?) and Barcelona,…

Google Music Search

10:10 am PST • December 15, 2005

It certainly isn’t the much anticipated Google Music Store, but today Google started to incorporate music information into normal google search results in the same way they incorporate movie and…

Meebo Funded by Sequoia?

11:26 pm PST • December 14, 2005

I just got back from back-to-back (to back) holiday parties and the rumors are flying that Meebo, which I wrote about a couple of days ago noting their stellar growth,…

I swore to myself that I wouldn’t write about Ajax desktops for a while (and held steady even though this launched), but today I’m breaking that promise, because Google just…

Whoa. Niall Kennedy nonchalantly wrote earlier today about Technorati’s version of Google Labs, called Technorati Kitchen. It’s where Technorati is putting it’s not-fully-baked beta products. There’s only one project there…

New Stuff at Basecamp

11:48 pm PST • December 13, 2005

37 Signals’ announced a couple of new features yesterday and today for their popular (100,000 users claimed on home page) and useful Basecamp project management product. First, Basecamp now hosts…

Illinois-based Gritwire, a new Flash based RSS reader, launched today at the Syndicate Conference in San Francisco. These new Flash applications are always visually stunning, even if they are not…

FeedBurner is launching FeedFlare tonight – a group of web services that can be integrated by the publisher into her/his feed. FeedFlare is located under the “Optimize” tab within the…

Meetro Goes Mac

12:14 am PST • December 13, 2005

Meetro, an interesting location-based instant messaging client that’s compatible with AOL, ICQ, MSN and Yahoo!, is now alpha testing a Mac version of their software. I profiled Meetro originally in…

Blog Network Rankings

10:59 pm PST • December 12, 2005

Blog Network Watch has a list of the most popular blog networks, based on various metrics from Technorati, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft. I’m happy to note that our very own…

Alexa Totally Gets It, Opens Up API

10:28 pm PST • December 12, 2005

John Battelle has the scoop – Alexa is making its dataI available on the Amazon.com Web Services platform, and it’s a really big deal. Amazon’s Alexa is opening up its…

Santa Clara based OpinMind has a neat service that polls the blogophere for its opinion on the topic of your choice. OpinMind claims to index 1.7 million blogs today. Type…

Meebo's Impressive Growth

1:31 pm PST • December 12, 2005

Meebo (original profile) is clearly going to be raising venture capital and/or be acquired in the very near future. I spoke with Founder Seth Sternberg yesterday about site growth and…

TagWorld Launches Music. The War Begins.

11:42 am PST • December 12, 2005

Over the weekend TagWorld, a young, self-funded startup in Santa Monica that’s all of a month old, launched a music product that is turning heads. TagWorld is targeting the MySpace…

Yahoo Teams with Movable Type

10:25 am PST • December 12, 2005

Yahoo and Six Apart have partnered to pre-install Movable Type on Yahoo’s small business hosting. Yahoo’s hosting customers will now be offered Movable Type pre-installed. This should help Yahoo move…

TechCrunch Turns 6 Months Old Today

1:01 pm PST • December 11, 2005

TechCrunch turned six months old today – my first post was on June 11, 2005. It’s more fun than ever. Thank you to everyone who reads my blog. Knowing people…

Writely Is Kicking A**

4:46 pm PST • December 10, 2005

Writely (profiled earlier) continues to lead the pack in online ajax word products. Writely has had great features from day 1: import and export into Word format, embedded images, a…

I just got off an instant message conversation with Joshua Schachter, the founder of Del.icio.us. I was asking him for any comment on the Yahoo acquisition rumors and he pointed…

I’m loving the ajax office solutions tonight. In addition to Jotspot Tracker, I’ve been playing around with Rallypoint, an online ajax word/wiki product. Rallypoint joins Writely, JotSpot Live, Zoho Writer…

Jotspot continues to roll out interesting, easy to use wiki products. I wrote about JotSpot Live back in September. This week they released JotSpot Tracker, a spreadsheet wiki that allows…

Sponit Goes Into Private Beta

12:27 pm PST • December 8, 2005

I recently spoke with one of the founders of Sponit, a new service that will be launching in the next month or so. Sponit, which is being created by three…

Yahoo Answers Launches

9:48 am PST • December 8, 2005

Yahoo Answers launched this morning. The service allows any Yahoo user to ask any question and get answers and advice from other Yahoo users. The community picks the “best” answer,…

I’m a big fan of FeedBurner and write about them often. I’m also a “pro” subscriber now and pay the $5/month for that service, which I think is more than…

Microsoft will relaunch Virtual Earth tomorrow under local.live.com, around 9 am PST. This is a continuation of Microsoft’s rebranding campaign to place online consumer services under the Live.com brand. Charlene…