Selecting the Best eLearning Authoring Tools: A Detailed Guide

Updated on June 3, 2024

eLearning authoring tools empower content creators to design and publish digital learning materials for a wide range of use cases – from remote education to corporate training to compliance courses. But with so many authoring tools available, finding the best one for your specific needs can be a daunting challenge.

You’re eager to start creating eLearning content but don’t want to waste precious time struggling to choose the right tool. That’s where this guide comes in. We’ll break down the key features to look for in an eLearning authoring tool and compare some of the top options on the market. By the end, you’ll have the knowledge to confidently select the optimal tool for your eLearning projects.

What are eLearning authoring tools?

Video lesson created using Sensei eLearning authoring tool.

eLearning authoring tools are software applications for creating digital learning content, including online courses, tutorials, and interactive presentations. They offer features such as templates, multimedia integration, assessment functionality, and interactivity features that can be used to design engaging educational materials. 

Using such tools, you don’t need extensive programming knowledge or technical skills. You benefit from drag-and-drop interfaces, meaning you can quickly and easily design your content and see what it looks like as you go. This makes creating educational content faster and more accessible to educators and instructional designers. There’s no need to team up with a professional web developer or designer when you have a suite of tools at your fingertips, making it simple to insert any design elements you want to include.

The difference between eLearning authoring tools, LMSs, and CMSs

If you’re looking for the right tool to help you create and publish educational content, you’ll have come across options such as Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Content Management Systems (CMS). Understanding which is best for your needs can be confusing, but there are clear differences between them, including their best use cases.

eLearning authoring tools are used to create interactive digital content for educational purposes. They enable users to develop engaging materials without any extensive programming knowledge.

With a Learning Management System (LMS), you can deliver, manage and track your online courses. They are designed to help you facilitate student access, track student progress, and assess your students as they learn.

A Content Management System (CMS) is used as a platform to create, organize, and manage digital content across websites. Users can publish, edit, and organize various types of content efficiently using the tools they offer.

Each of these tools – authoring tools, LMSs, and CMSs – plays a specific role in the eLearning ecosystem. The best choice depends on the scope and needs of your particular educational program.

For a small, straightforward eLearning project, a standalone authoring tool might suffice. You can create content and distribute it directly to learners without the overhead of an LMS or CMS.

However, for larger-scale programs with many learners, courses, and content types, a combination of tools is often optimal. An authoring tool creates the content, an LMS delivers and tracks it, and a CMS manages it across the organization. This integrated approach enables you to efficiently create, deliver, manage, and optimize large volumes of learning content.

Some comprehensive eLearning platforms integrate functionalities of eLearning authoring tools, LMSs, and CMSs, providing an all-in-one solution. These platforms streamline the process of creating, delivering, managing, and tracking educational content, making it easier for users to handle all aspects of eLearning from a single interface.

Understanding SCORM and xAPI formats

You will also come across different methods of tracking eLearning experiences that can affect your choice of eLearning authoring tool, LMS, or CMS. SCORM and xAPI are the two key formats you will need to know.

SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model)

SCORM is a widely adopted set of technical standards that govern how online learning content and Learning Management Systems (LMSs) communicate with each other. It provides a standardized way to package, deliver, and track eLearning content, ensuring interoperability between different systems.

Key aspects of SCORM include:

  • Content packaging: SCORM defines how eLearning content should be packaged into a transferable ZIP file, containing the course structure, resources, and metadata.
  • Run-time communication: SCORM establishes a communication protocol between the eLearning content and the LMS, allowing the LMS to launch the content and track learner progress, scores, and interactions.
  • Data tracking: SCORM enables the LMS to collect and store data about the learner’s activities, such as completion status, test scores, and time spent on each module.
  • Interoperability: By adhering to SCORM standards, eLearning content can be delivered and tracked consistently across different SCORM-compliant LMSs.

xAPI (Experience API)

xAPI, also known as Tin Can API, is a more flexible and modern specification that addresses the limitations of SCORM. It allows for tracking a broader range of learning experiences, including simulations, games, mobile learning, and real-world activities.

Key features of xAPI include:

  • Learning experience tracking: xAPI can track and record any learning experience, regardless of the delivery platform or environment (online, offline, mobile, etc.).
  • Flexible data structure: xAPI uses a simple and flexible data structure called “statements” to record learning activities, allowing for the tracking of diverse types of data.
  • Learning record store (LRS): Instead of relying on an LMS, xAPI uses a Learning Record Store (LRS) to collect and store learning data from various sources.
  • Interoperability: Like SCORM, xAPI promotes interoperability by providing a standardized way to communicate and share learning data across different systems and platforms.
  • Personalized learning: xAPI’s ability to track a wide range of learning experiences enables more personalized and adaptive learning experiences.

Many modern eLearning authoring tools and platforms support both SCORM and xAPI standards, allowing content creators to develop courses and interactive content that can be tracked and reported within various learning environments.

Licensing and pricing models for eLearning authoring tools

Both licensing and pricing are important factors to consider when looking at eLearning authoring tools and determining whether they fit your requirements. Understanding the available options will help you decide which tool to choose.

Licensing models

Several types of licensing models are commonly used in eLearning authoring tools. They affect how you can use the tools and how long you have access to them.

Perpetual licenses give the user ownership of the software. There is no need to renew the license, and the tool might benefit from regular updates. However, the downside is that the initial cost of the license is often high, and the vendor might choose to stop updating it eventually. Additionally, the license is only for a specific version of the tool.

Subscription-based models have become more popular for licensing tools such as eLearning authoring tools. They usually offer a monthly or annual subscription, with the benefit of a lower initial cost. Subscriptions also provide the advantage of regular updates and new features, allowing the user access to the latest version of the tool at all times.

There is also the option of free and open-source licenses. These allow users to access the features they need for free, helping them save money. The downsides often include limited features, a lack of dedicated support, and less compatibility with other tools.

Pricing structures

Pricing structures for eLearning authoring tools can be based on several factors. They can be based on:

  • User numbers: The cheapest options are designed for individual users, whereas enterprise solutions offer use for multiple users.
  • Feature tiers: Choosing a tier with basic features can save you money, whereas more expensive tiers can deliver a broader range of useful features.
  • Updates and support: The level of support and updates included might vary with each pricing level.

Key features of top eLearning authoring tools: A deep dive

To evaluate eLearning authoring tools effectively, you need to consider a range of features that contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of course creation and delivery. Let’s look at some of the most important features and how they can affect the overall experience you get from an eLearning authoring tool.

WYSIWYG interface

A user-friendly WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor is key to simplifying content creation. This means that when you create and edit your content, you should be able to see your changes in real time. In other words, you’re not working on codes or actions behind the scenes without being able to see what it will look like right away.

Interactivity and multimedia integration capabilities

The challenge of engaging learners can be met with interactive elements and activities. The ability to add interactivity to your educational content is crucial if you want to engage your learners. Your eLearning authoring tool should offer the capability to create multimedia content that keeps learners interested.

Usability and ease of use

Any eLearning authoring tool you choose needs to provide excellent usability and be easy to use. Usability refers to the overall experience and whether the interface and tools are intuitive. Good usability is vital for content creators because it helps them save time and ensure they can achieve their goals when creating content.

Collaboration features and support for teamwork

When you work in a team, you need to be able to work together smoothly. Collaboration tools enable good teamwork, giving you the features required to allow everyone to contribute their ideas and work. Your team members should be able to work together on a course or a piece of content using their own user accounts.

Device compatibility and mobile responsiveness

It’s important for eLearning authoring tools to be compatible with different devices and offer mobile responsive design. No matter which devices you use to work on your content, the tool should adjust to the screen size and operating system.

Assessment options

Educators need to be able to assess their students, both for the benefit of the learners and to help them improve their content. eLearning authoring tools offer various features for assessment, including quizzes and automated feedback. These allow you to assess your learners at various points and give them the benefit of self-assessment.

LMS integration and publishing functionality

Integrating your eLearning content with an LMS simplifies the process of publishing and managing it. You will have the tools to track the performance of your content and keep it up to date. Many eLearning authoring tools can seamlessly integrate with LMSs, or you might choose a tool that offers the capabilities of both content creation and content management.

Inclusion of templates

Getting started is simple when you can begin with a template and adjust it to match your branding and the goals of your content. Look for an eLearning authoring tool with a wide range of templates to choose from so that you have plenty of options.

Comparative analysis: Exploring the top eLearning authoring tools

There are many eLearning authoring tools that could be potential candidates to meet your needs. Comparing their features and pros and cons can help you identify the best options and choose the right tool.

Let’s take a close look at some of the top tools and what they can do for you.

Sensei LMS

Sensei LMS homepage – the best choice for creating online learning content.

Sensei LMS is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create online courses and host them directly on your website. It’s a complete solution that operates as both an eLearning authoring tool and an LMS so that you can produce and deliver your content and track student progress all with one platform. If you want to sell your courses, WooCommerce integration makes it simple.

Sensei has a variety of tools that make it a complete eLearning authoring tool, as well as a comprehensive LMS. Here are some of the core features that can benefit you.

Interactive Sensei blocks

Interactive blocks in Sensei LMS include flashcard questions.

Sensei’s interactive blocks enable the insertion of interactive elements in your eLearning content. There are multiple block types available that allow you to set up different types of content, such as:

  • Interactive video block: Add breakpoints to videos to show additional content.
  • Question block: Add questions in different formats, such as multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Image hotspot block: Put clickable hotspots on images to show more content.
  • Flashcard blocks: Insert simple flashcards for a flexible way to share content.

Reusable lesson templates

Lesson templates make it easy to get a quick start with your content. Reusable course templates can be customized with Learning Mode, which allows you to create a distraction-free learning environment for your students. You can customize your header and sidebar and ensure your content has a clean and engaging look. Sensei Pro users get access to premium templates, including options optimized for video, a modern right sidebar, and a masterclass-like hero area.

AI Features

Sensei’s Tutor AI enables students to recieve feedback on their answers. 

Sensei uses the power of AI to bring even more to your course creation, delivery, and management. Tutor AI is a WordPress block that can transform your course. It provides your students with interactive conversations in real time, using AI to deliver chat responses to their questions. It can teach any subject matter and personalize learning for all your students.


Assessments in Sensei.

Assess your students using different quiz types and features from Sensei. You can generate questions using AI and choose from seven question types, including multiple choice, true/false, gap fill, single line, multiple line, file upload, and ordering. Provide immediate feedback to learners to validate their learning.

iSpring Suite

iSpring Suite

iSpring Suite is an eLearning authoring tool that works directly in PowerPoint. That means if you’re familiar with PowerPoint, it’s easy to get started. You can easily convert PowerPoint presentations into online courses, and the tool also benefits from features such as an AI assistant for faster course creation, interactive assessments, dynamic roleplay, and a content library. iSpring Suite caters to corporate training providers with its user-friendly interface and extensive support resources.



Elucidat is a cloud-based authoring platform designed for scalability and collaborative course creation. Its responsive design features and pre-built templates help to speed up course development so you can focus on promoting and managing your courses. Elucidat focuses on improving engagement with its analytics tools, which provide insights into course effectiveness. Other features include AI course creation, auto-translate, templates, and both SCORM and xAPI to integrate courses seamlessly with any LMS.

dominKnow | ONE


dominKnow | ONE is an all-in-one eLearning authoring system. It focuses on responsive design and teamwork, making it a good choice for businesses that want to manage their eLearning content effectively. Teams can collaborate on course creation and easily manage content with tools for publishing, accessibility, and delivery. dominKnow | ONE allows you to reuse content across different courses, helping to save time once you’ve created a piece of content. It also offers benefits such as cross-platform compatibility and an extensive asset library to enhance content creation.

Articulate 360

Articulate 360 

Articulate 360 offers a suite of tools catering to various aspects of eLearning development, from authoring to reviewing. One of the benefits of Articulate 360 is its integration with Content Library 360, which features more than 12 million templates, photos, characters, videos, icons, and more. Creating interactive courses is easy thanks to the ability to add activities and quizzes. This platform is also a good choice for mobile learning due to its responsive player, which automatically adapts videos to different devices.

Adobe Captivate

Adobe Captivate

Adobe Captivate is a powerful authoring tool offering advanced interactivity and simulation capabilities. It has an intuitive user interface that enables fast design of attractive content and a widget gallery to help create immersive experiences. VR project creation and responsive design are just two features on offer that make this possible. Adobe Captivate is ideal for experienced eLearning developers and larger organizations that have more complex eLearning needs.

Get started with Sensei LMS

Selecting the right eLearning authoring tool is crucial for creating effective and engaging online learning content. To make the right choice, consider your budget, required features, and technical skill level.

Overall, Sensei is the best choice if you’re looking for an eLearning authoring tool that will allow you to hit the ground running. Its ease of use makes it simple to create courses, and its ample features and WordPress integration make it a complete solution as both an eLearning authoring tool and LMS.

Learn more about Sensei and discover how it can help you achieve your eLearning development goals.

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