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Support Policy

Updated on June 7, 2024

At Sensei, we take pride in providing efficient support via our help desk. Our support policy below outlines what we can and can’t assist with regarding support.


An active license (for paid subscriptions and/or bundles) includes priority ticket support, updates to the premium plugins, and access to certain premium features such as Tutor AI.

If you need further support for your premium plugins (e.g., Sensei Pro, Sensei Blocks) after your license expires, please renew your license and submit a ticket. We can only support the license holder; support tickets must be submitted from the same email address used to purchase the license. 

The table below summarises what we can and cannot assist with. For more detailed information, please scroll down the page.

Assistance with installing and setting up the Sensei pluginsHappy to help ☺ 
Technical questions about the Sensei’s built-in features and functionality Happy to help ☺ 
Product bug fixesHappy to help ☺ 
Compatibility with 3rd party plugins Cannot help ☹
Customizing product visuals or functionality Cannot help ☹
Server technical assistance & configuration Cannot help ☹
Help with Client-specific Requests Cannot help ☹
Custom development and codeCannot help ☹

How to contact us

We have several support channels where you can find help: 

  • The Support Forums (all users): Support is also available in the public support forums.
    We manage the following forums related to the different Sensei plugins: Sensei LMS, Sensei Certificates, and Course theme.
    Make sure to read the pinned threads on Sensei’s support forums and the Forum Guidelines before opening a support thread. 
  • Via Sensei LMS Contact Form (paid users): If you have a paid subscription, you can submit a ticket using our Contact Form.
    • Purchased from you can submit a ticket from your Sensei LMS account.
    • Purchased from Marketplace (formerly known as WooCommerce Paid Courses): you can create a ticket from your WooCommerce account here.
    • Purchased from Marketplace: you can use the Contact form. Please let us know that you have Sensei Pro via Dotcom Marketplace.

Reporting Issues

For reporting issues, follow our Contribute page.

When an issue is brought to our attention, we will ensure it is reproducible. Then, we escalate it to our developers to pursue a fix where possible and appropriate. You can help expedite this process by providing us with screenshots and detailed steps to reproduce the problem. The more specific, the better! 

What Sensei LMS Support Covers

  • Help with product installation, configuration, and usage
  • Technical questions about Sensei’s built-in features and functionality
  • Bug fixes
  • General guidance related to Sensei

Note: We may require you to disable third-party plugins and/or themes you have installed alongside our plugins before we can assist you.

What Sensei LMS Support Does Not Cover 

  • Integration with third-party products and services
  • Configuration, troubleshooting, or fixing server configuration, firewalls, or database issues that may interfere with Sensei LMS
  • Configuration, troubleshooting, or fixing issues with hosting accounts, domain registrar accounts, and cPanel
  • Troubleshooting sites that are not running Sensei LMS’s and WordPress’ minimum supported versions; typically two releases before the current version
  • Overriding Sensei’s default templates, directory structure, and styles that require custom development (i.e., code snippets and/or access to the server)
  • Legacy WordPress core feature support (e.g., Classic Editor), or legacy Sensei features (e.g., Media Attachments)

Some Specifics About Customization 

Customization is anything that changes the way Sensei looks or functions. Each of our products is provided as-is. While we can guide you in configuring our products within the intended capability and function, we can’t assist with the customization of our products, nor can we help troubleshoot, modify or debug custom code, or officially endorse third-party customization solutions.

Many resources are available online if you want to hire a WordPress developer or designer. We have partnered with Sensei experts at Codeable, and we’d be happy to put you in touch for a free consultation–let us know if you are interested.

We provide some customization guidelines and developer docs; however, these are for reference/guidance only, and we cannot guarantee that they will always work as expected. Our support policy does not include assistance with modifying or debugging code from any code examples included in our developer-level documentation, and they may be changed or removed if we find they no longer work due to changes in our plugins.

We do not assist with cosmetic changes to your site. This includes but is not limited to, theme design or advice, custom CSS code, menu structure, and color or font changes. 


Sensei primarily provides support in English. If you contact us in a different language, we’ll do our best to translate your message and will reply in English.