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Updated on January 27, 2023

Did you know that you could be instrumental in the development of Sensei? If you use and love Sensei, why not contribute to the project?

(If you haven’t used Sensei, download it for free here).

How can you help?

Help translating Sensei into another language

Anyone can help translating Sensei. The best solution is to submit your translations to the official translation repositories. Learn more about how you can contribute here.

Submit a Bug Report on GitHub

The Issues tab on the Sensei GitHub repository is a ticket database that tracks projects and bugs. We use GitHub issues to manage new features, bug reports, and general project tasks. It’s designed to make it as simple as possible for people to report bugs.

If you haven’t already, create a GitHub account and follow the next instructions: 

Provide reproducible steps for the bug

As a first step, make sure to follow these steps:

  1. Check for Plugin or Theme conflicts.
  2. Make sure that the site is on the latest version of the plugins.
    • This includes WordPress core, Sensei LMS, Sensei extensions, and all other plugins or themes you have installed on your site.
  3. Rule out browser-related issues. 
  4. Rule out user-level access issues.
    • Is the issue happening only for a single user, a group of users, or for the administrator?
    • If teachers or learners are having issues that you, as an Administrator, can’t see, we recommend using User Switching plugin to swap between user accounts.
Search through GitHub Issues

Before submitting a bug report, you can first search in the Issues tab to see if anybody else has already submitted it. If you find the same issue you’re seeing, you can subscribe to the issue to get alerted for any updates. You can also leave a comment in the issue to add any details that the original report may be missing.

If you cannot find an existing GitHub issue with the issue you’re seeing, it’s time to gather evidence to submit a bug report.

Gather Evidence

Screenshots, screencast, and a summary of your site’s environment can be extremely helpful when debugging. 

  • Screenshots

If you don’t already have a screenshot service installed, here are a few free options:

There is also a walkthrough guide here:

  • Screencast

Depending on your computer, Mac or Windows, you can take screencasts using their built-in tools. Another option is using services recommended above, such as:

  • Site’s environment

You can share your site’s health info by going to WP Admin > Tools > Site Health > Info and click the button that will copy all of your site info to clipboard, like so:

Submit your GitHub report

Once you are ready, submit your report in our GitHub public repository. Here is a great example on how to submit your report.

Submit a Feature Request on GitHub

Just as we use GitHub to manage bug reports, we also use this tool to keep track of all the enhancement requests. You can see the full list of existing requests in here. Feel free to subscribe to any issue that interests you and add a comment if necessary.

If the feature request you’re looking for does not appear in our repository, we encourage you to contribute by following the next steps:

Finally, developers tend to add updates in feature requests reports, so we recommend following your report, and any other you might be interested in.