Cisco Research

Cisco Research conducts research in new and emerging areas of strategic interest to Cisco with a goal to achieve business, technology and societal impact. Our team focuses on a wide variety of research areas such as AI/ML, computer vision, cybersecurity, NLP, quantum information processing, networking and distributed systems. We also collaborate closely with academic researchers from various top universities across the world to advance the state-of-the-art in these areas and support their research by providing funding and other resources to achieve impact.

Research Area Banner

Research Areas

Cisco Research connects Cisco engineers with world-class academic researchers to explore strategically promising technologies.

Systems and Networking

Networking is our core. We’re deeply interested in all related topics, as well as adjacencies that drive change in the way networks need to operate.

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

We explore machine learning, deep learning and algorithms to enrich and optimize the experience of our products and solutions.

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We’re investigating new technologies to increase trust and address a broad range of the Internet’s security & privacy challenges.

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We develop hardware and software technologies for quantum networking and quantum cryptography.

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Meet Our Team

Meet our international community of researchers and engineers distributed across all of Cisco's functions, in close contact with academia, industry, and innovation ecosystems.

See our people >
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Research Funding Opportunities

Through academic partnerships and research gifts, we enable exploration of iussues and topics relevant to our core and adjacent business, that leverage the power of the network to change the world around us.

Team Opportunities

Do you want to be part of our exciting research?

Software Engineer PhD (Intern)

Our software engineers are the gurus behind the scenes ensuring all of our programs are easy to use and bug free. Using a keen eye, you’ll develop software and tools in support of many of our high-impact technology platforms such as operating systems, networks, databases and more. While we’re growing in the software business, you’ll still need to see the big picture and watch for hardware compatibility while potentially influencing design.

Contact us for more information