How can I download the ec2 snapshot to my local computer?


Please provide clear instructions. Also instructions how I can extract the image so I can run it from a local machine can help.


asked 3 days ago142 views
1 Answer
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answered 3 days ago
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reviewed 3 days ago
  • I have already tried a few times, in my opinion it's not written clearly and missing information.

  • I recommend asking clarifying questions where you are confused and run into issues.

  • I have an EBS snapshot of the ec2 machine. I don't know if it can work with it?

    aws ec2 export-image --image-id snap-0f54423ccc74de06b --disk-image-format VHD --s3-export-location S3Bucket=my-export-bucket,S3Prefix=exports/

    An error occurred (InvalidParameter) when calling the ExportImage operation: The image ID (snap-0f54423ccc74de06b) provided is invalid. Please make sure the ID is correct.