Invalid parameter at 'PolicyText' failed to satisfy constraint: 'Invalid registry policy provided?


Please help i get this error while trying to create a ECRRegistryPolicy Via Cloudformation

Error Resource handler returned message: "Invalid parameter at 'PolicyText' failed to satisfy constraint: 'Invalid registry policy provided' (Service: Ecr, Status Code: 400, Request ID: 068ec4b0-e54e-4f1d-be3d-fca305f898f0)" (RequestToken: df80f2df-2e36-e96b-bcbb-0084f0172e70, HandlerErrorCode: InvalidRequest)

    Type: AWS::ECR::RegistryPolicy
    DeletionPolicy: Delete
        Version: "2012-10-17"
        # Allow Tooling Account to push and manage the repository
        - Sid: AllowToolingAccountPush
          Effect: Allow
            - !Sub "arn:aws:iam::${AccountA}:root"
            - !Sub "arn:aws:iam::${AccountA}:role/DeploymentRole"
          - "ecr:GetAuthorizationToken"
          - "ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability"
          - "ecr:CompleteLayerUpload"
          - "ecr:InitiateLayerUpload"
          - "ecr:PutImage"
          - "ecr:UploadLayerPart"
          - "ecr:BatchGetImage"
          - "ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer"
          Resource: !GetAtt ECRRepository.Arn
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

The reason for the error is that the actions you've specified aren't permitted in private registry policies. The actions allowed are explained in this documentation article: and don't include any of the permissions you've specified.

I think you might be meaning to specify a repository policy rather than a registry policy. You can do that with the RepositoryPolicyText property of AWS::ECR::Repository:

Leo K
answered 4 days ago
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reviewed 3 days ago
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reviewed 3 days ago

The error message you're encountering indicates that there is an issue with the format of your ECR registry policy in the CloudFormation template. Here’s how you can resolve the issue:

Steps to Troubleshoot Validate JSON Structure: Ensure the policy JSON structure is correct. PolicyText must be a properly formatted JSON string.

Correct Indentation and Formatting: Ensure proper indentation and formatting of the CloudFormation YAML. YAML is sensitive to indentation, and incorrect indentation can lead to parsing issues.

Stringify PolicyText: The PolicyText property should be treated as a JSON string. In YAML, you can use the Fn::Sub function to handle complex substitutions and stringification.

Corrected CloudFormation Template Here is the corrected version of your CloudFormation template:

    Type: AWS::ECR::RepositoryPolicy
    DeletionPolicy: Delete
      RepositoryName: !Ref ECRRepository
      PolicyText: !Sub |
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
              "Sid": "AllowToolingAccountPush",
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Principal": {
                "AWS": [
              "Action": [
              "Resource": "${ECRRepository.Arn}"

Key Changes Made: Type Correction: Ensure the Type of the resource is AWS::ECR::RepositoryPolicy instead of AWS::ECR::RegistryPolicy.

YAML Stringification: Used !Sub with | to properly format the PolicyText as a JSON string.

RepositoryName Property: Added the RepositoryName property to link the policy to the specific ECR repository.

Substitution for Resource ARN: Ensured that ${ECRRepository.Arn} is correctly substituted in the policy.

Explanation: RepositoryName: Ensures the policy is applied to the correct ECR repository. !Sub |: Allows multiline strings and ensures correct JSON formatting and substitution within YAML. PolicyText: Properly formatted JSON string with embedded substitutions for AccountA and ECRRepository.Arn. Apply the Changes: Deploy this corrected template via the AWS CloudFormation console or CLI, and it should resolve the "Invalid registry policy provided" error.

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answered 4 days ago