What’s trending: travel content

Lauren Lauren Lauren Fitzpatrick
What’s trending: travel content

If you’ve been dreaming about planning an epic vacation, you’re not alone. The Raptive community collectively ranks #2 on Comscore for travel, making Raptive travel sites a go-to destination for millions of people planning a trip.

Travel content is seeing a resurgence, with certain destinations becoming especially popular among Raptive readers.

The creator perspective

We caught up with Raptive creators Elise Armitage, Jasmine Alley, and Deb and Dave Bouskill about the trending content their readers are responding to and how these trends are evolving over time.

On European travel

Elise Armitage

Founder, whatthefab.com

There’s a lot of pent-up demand for European travel. After travel started to open back up in 2021 and 2022, there were still a lot of requirements for COVID tests and paperwork, which added another cost to travel. As those requirements faded last year, flights to Europe were expensive and often cost-prohibitive, as airlines scrambled to get back to a new normal and get their staff back up. Now in 2024, people are more ready than ever to take that European vacation they’ve been dreaming about. 

People are looking for unique, memorable experiences and destinations, and personal recommendations from content creators they trust.

Yes, they want to see the main sights in a city they’ve never been to before, but what’s a local gem or activity that would really make their trip extra special? I see content creators going beyond the usual ‘Top 10 Things to Do’ in a city post and really highlighting unique experiences they know their readers will love. 

My readers and followers are engaging with content that’s more tailored—for example, a post sharing the details on an incredible food tour we booked in Bologna. Whenever I’m planning my own trip, I’m doing a ton of research beforehand to find that ‘something special’ I can include in my content.

On tropical getaways

Jasmine Alley

Founder, jasminealley.com

Since COVID, I think people have really realized the value of the freedom to travel, and are now looking for budget-friendly travel destinations close to home that still feel exotic. So for the US, if they’re looking for a tropical getaway, somewhere like Aruba or in the Caribbean fits that mold. For Europeans looking for somewhere that feels exotic but still close to home, the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain are a great solution.

I could see people shifting towards more sustainable travel this next year, somewhere where they can have a lower carbon footprint.

For tropical getaways, this could mean staying in eco-lodges or traveling not as far away to reach their destination.

The more people travel, the more they appreciate the beauty in our world and want to preserve it. Travel trending towards more sustainable tourism is something I’ve been seeing a bit of and would expect to see more of in the future.

On icy adventures

Dave & Deb Bouskill

Founders, theplanetd.com

Travel to the Arctic has never been easier or more affordable. What was once a destination that seemed out of reach and only for extreme adventures or the ultra-rich is now becoming more affordable and accessible. With traditional tourist destinations becoming overrun with people, Arctic travel is more appealing for those wanting to get off the beaten path. It is the final frontier for adventure and eco-tourism, with untouched wilderness and exotic wildlife, such as polar bears and beluga whales.

The Arctic is like nowhere else on Earth, offering unique adventures for even the most well-traveled. The Arctic stands out as a true escape as we all become more connected and the world seems smaller. Here, you can watch the northern lights dance in the sky from a luxury lodge, paddle among icebergs, or trek to glaciers under the midnight sun.

Polar bears and northern lights are already populating social media feeds and that trend will only increase.

Over the next year, we expect to see more content coming out of the Arctic. We believe that companies will invite bloggers, vloggers, and influencers to their expeditions, remote lodges, or Arctic tours to share their experiences and show the world how Arctic travel has evolved.

Arctic travel can now be for soft adventurers wanting a bucket list experience with all the luxuries they have had at other destinations. We believe we’ll see more luxury adventure operators popping up in the Arctic offering five-star services. More people are willing to pay for comfort to go on their adventures, and they will be looking for companies that offer that extra something special.

We are seeing an increase in our Arctic content being searched and we have seen interest on our social media. When we shared photos and videos of polar bears, there was an uptick in interest. This trend has been a part of our business as companies specializing in Arctic travel have invited us on expeditions and cruises and to stay at their lodges. These companies are looking to leverage bloggers to help raise awareness about their products and services.

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