The authentic internet is the best internet  

Marla Marla Newman

Marla Newman, Raptive’s EVP of Sales, has some thoughts on the importance of supporting creators as AI makes inroads across the advertising ecosystem

AI was the main topic during panels, parties, and other events throughout the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. While much of the conversation rightly centered on the promise of increased efficiencies like enhanced data analysis and video production, I want to shine a light on a different effect AI will have on our industry, one that is far less rosy but has the potential to be equally transformative.

One issue didn’t get the attention it deserves: the impact AI is set to have on the creativity that underpins what we all love most about the internet.

Specifically, the people whose work has always been the heartbeat of the open internet. I am talking about the everyday experts—passionate chefs, gardeners, fashion lovers, educators, health care professionals, photographers, and more—who produce extraordinary website content that educates us and enriches our lives every day.  

The advantages of creator-owned websites

As we all know, the internet offers buyers many opportunities, starting with choosing where and how your ads appear and giving you the freedom to move outside the restrictive walled gardens of Google, Meta, and TikTok. However, the advantages of independent, creator-owned websites go so much further, as we recently learned from the results of a study Raptive conducted in collaboration with Nielsen to measure the audience impact of advertising within trusted creator websites

The authentic connection between a human creator and their audience is compelling. The biggest takeaway was not what we expected: While we knew that websites command attention, our research discovered that they provide 70% higher ad recall rates than social media.

The study also found that:

  • 67% of audiences consider creator content trustworthy
  • 63% consider a creator website a happy place
  • Creator websites are seen as 16% more engaging than Instagram
  • Creator websites are 50% more uplifting, inspiring, useful, and trustworthy

But AI, as it is being implemented today—specifically but not exclusively around search—puts this human connection at risk. AI-based changes to Google’s search engine could shake the very foundation of the internet as we know it, threatening the survival of the millions of creators and publishers who rely on it for traffic.

This new product, AI Overviews, is trained on copyrighted content from publishers and creators without consent or compensation, competing directly with creators while giving nothing in return in a dramatic shift in how search results are presented. Other AI-based products being developed by Open AI, Microsoft, IBM, Apple, and others could also have far-reaching consequences.

The value of authentic content

The tech giants have forced all of us—audiences, content companies, and advertisers—to consider what’s most important about the internet. The answer is authentic content written, researched, tested, and designed by real people to engage a specific, loyal audience. Content that creates a human connection. 

There is a reason that AI companies are training their algorithms using authentic content—it represents the very foundation of our culture and everything that we care about.

Breaking news, new scientific research,  delicious recipes, articles about travel, health and finance, and creative works of fiction, music, and art—authentic internet content is a mirror of humanity. 

Now imagine an online world driven entirely by AI, which is what the tech giants seem to be planning. Sure, it might be more efficient, but think about what will be missing—no more diverse voices and communities sharing their authentic stories and experiences. An entire creative ecosystem gone, replaced by complex, multi-paragraph replies generated by algorithms with no voice, personality, or human connection.  

Supporting authentic content is vital for a positive internet experience and a thriving advertising environment beyond the walled gardens. As tech giants try to monopolize the internet, we must build a future where creators flourish, and advertisers form genuine connections with audiences.  

Raptive champions creators—the website owners who produce valuable content that enriches society by creating trust and connections. By working with Raptive, you champion creators, too. 

Contact us to talk about how Raptive works with advertisers.