Looking ahead to Cannes Lions with Half-Baked Harvest’s Tieghan Gerard

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Looking ahead to Cannes Lions with Half-Baked Harvest’s Tieghan Gerard

Raptive is headed to Cannes Lions again this year to represent creators and publishers in front of major brands and advertisers. As the team packs their bags, we sat down with Marla Newman, our EVP, Sales to get the scoop on what to expect from the advertising industry’s event of the year.

What are you most looking forward to at Cannes? 

I’m so excited to have Raptive creator Tieghan Gerard of Half-Baked Harvest joining us in Cannes. She really exemplifies what we mean when we say our creators have an incredible connection with their audiences—Tieghan has built such a strong, authentic brand, and she’ll be sharing her insights and experiences with us at Cannes. 

In 2023 the hot topics at Cannes were AI, privacy, and sustainability. What do you think people will be talking about this year? 

Of course we expect AI to be a big part of the conversation again, but in a different way. We know so much more than we did a year ago, even though it’s still early—on one hand, we’ll continue to hear about how it’s driving innovation and efficiency, but on the other we have a renewed focus in preserving and promoting unique, human perspectives. 

Diversity and inclusion will also be on everyone’s minds, as we explore new ways to support diverse media and raise the bar for inclusivity in advertising. As the #1 source of diverse-owned advertising spend, we’re eager to be involved in these discussions. 

What message will Raptive be bringing to Cannes? 

We’re all about human connection. We completed a study this year with Nielsen that quantified just how powerful creators are when it comes to engaging audiences. The data showed that creator websites foster emotional connections and drive results, and it’s all down to the trust creators build with their dedicated fans. 

No matter how advanced AI becomes, it will never be able to achieve the levels of human connection that our creators have with their audiences on their websites. They’ve built these engaging, relevant, brand-safe environments that stand out in a sea of made-for-advertising websites, and marketers can really benefit from that connection. 

Where can folks find the Raptive team at Cannes? 

Everywhere! Our Chief Strategy Officer Paul Bannister will speak on an Ogury panel about the evolving open internet market, and I’ll join OpenX’s panel on driving change through innovation. Tieghan will share her story in two different Group M sessions, with insights on how she’s expanding her brand through segments like her “9 Favorite Things” series and tips on how she takes such beautiful food photography. 

We’re holding an olive oil tasting with Albertsons, and a dinner celebrating our BOMESI partnership connecting advertisers to diverse creators. You can also find us hosting Raptive Beach Bites at the MediaLink Beach every morning and the Raptive Blow Out bar every afternoon. And that’s just the beginning! 

Reach out to meet us in Cannes or to talk about how we can work together!