
Nintendo wants to Combat Scalpers once it Launches the Switch 2


In a day and age where e-commerce represents a vast majority of online trade, the ever-present problem of scalping has remained a thorn in the side of consumers, and it’s gotten to the point where customers are forced to pay ridiculously-high prices due to short supplies of products, a lot of which are often purchased en masse only to be resold at unjust prices in second-hand marketplaces.

This is true for the video game console market as well, and it looks like companies are becoming more aware of the situation. Take for example Nintendo – the veteran gaming company recently announced that it was taking some extra measure to prevent (or at least reduce) scalping once the Switch 2 makes its debut.

In a recent shareholder meeting, Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa addressed queries regarding scalpers, saying that the company intends to produce enough consoles to meet demand, so players won’t need to purchase exorbitantly-priced consoles from resellers who might be taking advantage of supply shortages.

Furukawa also noted that problems involving semiconductor shortages from a while back were no longer an issue.

While Nintendo hasn’t been clear about when it will launch the Switch 2, it’s predicted by many that we could see the console arrive in 2025. Based on everything we’ve heard so far, it looks like the company is well-prepared for the console’s launch.

Source: Video Games Chronicle

Mike Viray
A writer and content creator with a love for tech and music, Mike is also an avid gamer as well. He and his wife are big fans of Mario Kart.

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