P2 Team widget

The Team widget allows you to display your team members on the sidebar. Your own profile will appear first (but only for you; other users will see themselves first) and clicking on each photo will take you to the list of posts published by that person.

If you are an Administrator you’ll also be able to invite new members from here.

How to add the Team widget to the sidebar

  1. Open the Customizer from the P2 options menu.
  1. In the Customizer, select Widgets. You may also need to select the widget area Primary Sidebar.
  2. Click Add a Widget.
  3. Select P2 Team.

Customizing the Team widget

This widget has a few options.

  1. Title.
  2. Number of people displayed in the widget.
  3. Customize which roles should be represented in the widget.

Remember to click on the Save Changes button to publish your changes!

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