Publishing your first post

Now that you’re ready, it’s time to publish your first post. It’s very easy! Just start typing in the homepage editor.

Learn more about the editor and how to use it on this document.

What to write about?

Need some ideas? Here are some examples of posts:

  • Say hello! Introducing yourself to the rest of the team may sound unnecessary if you already have a relationship with them, but it’s a good practice to set the tone from the beginning. It’s also useful for the future: new people may join the P2 eventually, so they’ll have it easier to know the rest of the team if it’s already written.
  • Weekly updates. What has the team done in the last week? What do they plan to work on next week? Any blockers that need to be solved? The team can share their updates in the comments, allowing everybody to be on the same page.
  • Feedback request. Are you working on something and you’d like to get some feedback and ideas about it? Just post it! Remember that you can include images, files, embed videos, etc.
  • Project thread. Describe what the project is about, what’s the due date, define the different tasks to be done, etc. As things progress, your team can add comments to the post so it’s always clear what has been done and what comes next. This is not only useful while the project is going on, but also in the future, as it’ll be a record of how things took place.
  • Meeting summary. Did your team just have a meeting? This is a great moment to document who participated, what was discussed and what decisions were made.
  • Share some photos. If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine a full gallery!