verykool sl5050 Phantom

verykool sl5050 Phantom

User opinions and reviews

This phone is a fake / knock off version of the OnePlus X. And as expected, the specs are way worse!

    • m
    • manishy
    • 8a9
    • 27 Feb 2017

    what site can one buy this phone?

      • r
      • riya
      • tSk
      • 16 Feb 2017

      why not available in eBay so i can

        • T
        • TC for Life
        • K3e
        • 18 Nov 2016

        Those bezels are bigger than my future. lol

          • G
          • Get with times
          • JKR
          • 13 Nov 2016

          Love the design but the specs...

            • D
            • AnonD-402029
            • KRV
            • 13 Nov 2016

            1gb ram on 2016 should be invalid