Sagem MY C-1

Sagem MY C-1

User opinions and reviews

  • o
  • odinga
  • 02 Nov 2004

it is the worse phone i have ever bought, no internet, or features that sets it apart, if only i could get my money back. i dont even want to answer it when it is ringing in public, it is like a prototype or as my friends would say " flip's cousin!!!"

    • m
    • marvin elvis
    • 07 Sep 2004

    please can you tell me the exact price of this phone cos its nice

      • s
      • stefi
      • 04 Sep 2004

      Thiz fone iz da best fone in da wurld but u shud put da price on da pic page. Where can i read da price, uva wiz i wont buy dis fone uva wise.
      LOL Stefi

        • K
        • Ketisha Lewis
        • 04 Aug 2004

        can you please quote the prices for Sagem MYC1 & MYC2

          • i
          • iliasu
          • 10 May 2004

          i love it

            • L
            • Lulu
            • 06 Mar 2004

            Crap PHONE it is the crapiest phone that Sagem ever made. If you bhought it tough luck your stuck with it. HAHAHA loser

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 25 Jan 2004

              Nobody want such a phone!

                • N
                • NonOfUrBizNiz
                • 29 Oct 2003

                I think this phone is nice. (Well it would have neen for last year). Its about time Sagem UP THEIR GAME & started to experiment a little. Maybe more phones with colour & Java