Motorola Moto G200 5G review

11 February 2022

  • K
  • Komo
  • SHp
  • 16 Sep 2023

Good phone for the money. Two major issues for me:
1) 5G is a huge battery drainer - 3% every hour in phone standby. e.g. charge your phone to 100% at midnight and you wake up at 8AM - 24% of the battery is gone. So basically I am switching to 4G which is fine as the 100mbs is more than enough for me.
2) The battery can't last more than a day. Typically I'd get,6-7h of screen time and 10-15% battery remaining.

    • M
    • Motorola g200
    • PWc
    • 24 Aug 2023

    How to resize photo ? Photoshop ? Snapseed ?

      Pieur, 09 Sep 2022Oneplus Nord 2 or Moto G200? Which one should I choose? ... moreI think g200 will be better just my opinion

        • C
        • Cirith
        • JbI
        • 24 Sep 2022

        Pieur, 09 Sep 2022Oneplus Nord 2 or Moto G200? Which one should I choose? ... moreComplementing my previous reply:

        Moto G200 feels very speedy, not a single hiccup.
        The battery is strong enough to get you though a busy day.
        I haven't had the opportunity to test the camera thoroughly, but some casual shots I took look perfectly fine.

          • C
          • Cirith
          • JbI
          • 24 Sep 2022

          Pieur, 09 Sep 2022Oneplus Nord 2 or Moto G200? Which one should I choose? ... moreHad the same dillemma, went for the G200.

          Coming from Xiaomi Mi 8, the G200 feels too large and cumbersome. I hate the fingerprint sensor location on the side, I keep touching it accidentally. More importantly, the LCD screen is no match for an AMOLED. lf I knew all these, I think I would have gone for the Nord 2 instead, though otherwise the G200 is absolutely fine, especially the software. Just my 2 cents.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • n1k
            • 24 Sep 2022

            phonefreek, 22 Sep 2022Yes the resized photos look very good to me, but I don'... moreThey shot 108mp and downscaled to 12mp using some software. It looks great for two reasons:

            1. The manufacturer probably forgot to add post-processing to 108mp ones unlike the 12mp ones taken by default. So these don't look ruined due to overprocessing.

            2. Downscaling form higher to lower resolution results in better image than an image shot at lower resolution to begin with. This is well known and used technique. Sony I think makes video cameras where 6k is downscaled to produce 4k or 1080p videos that are of higher quality than a video shot originally at 4k or 1080p. Similar technique is used in anti-aliasing where GPU renders (vector) graphics at higher resolution than what what is actually displayed and this way, images look smoother, sharper (in a good way) with less pixelated, jagged appearance. It's called supersampling.

            Basically, given everything else the same (i.e same sensor, lens, processing etc), a higher resolution image will look better for same zoom level. Sure if you zoomed all the way on the 108mp image it will show more noise, but we're only interested in zooming it to same level as a 12mp image. Speaking of noise since there are 108mp to play with, which is so much data, when downscaled to 12mp, lots of noisy pixels are gotten rid of, resulting in an image with much lower noise. With better downscaling algorithm even less noise can be achieved.
            Nokia 808 and 1020 pureview used same technique, but much better because they actually used high resolution RGB sensor so much higher colour information and no interpolation or demosaicing/remosaicing required.

              Yes the resized photos look very good to me, but I don't understand either, what they mean by "resizing". Use external photo s/w ? Shoot high res in raw and ??. I don't understand what they mean but it appears worth doing to get the best out of the camera.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • n1h
                • 17 Sep 2022

                Those images downscaled from 108mp to 12mp looks really like PureView! How did they manage it??

                  • P
                  • Pieur
                  • nS%
                  • 09 Sep 2022

                  Oneplus Nord 2 or Moto G200? Which one should I choose?


                  1. Battery
                  2. Camera
                  3. Speed

                  Location: Finland. Thanks in ahead guys!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 8DY
                    • 25 Jul 2022

                    Here in Colombia we can buy it at COP$1.600.000.

                    It is like $360 dollars. I know it is not perfect, but i bought it cause the SD888+ is a very solid chipset.

                      Maina, 13 Feb 2022Moto G200 = Edge S30 (China version, identical phones) I go... moreWell here's the thing those two phones aren't identical. There are three main differences according to the specs they have different 4G and 5G band signals, different camera specs the Chinese version has no NFC

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • nN1
                        • 25 Apr 2022

                        why the hell they drop audio jack and microsd which are both very useful. Manufacturers keep on copying the worst of Apple phones

                          I have been a fan of MOTOROLA MOBILES such Moto Stylus, Moto Edge, Moto G60s, Moto G 5G plus etc. Recently I had purchased Moto G60s and honestly am extremely happy of it the way the software functions. A great device.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • kSC
                            • 07 Mar 2022

                            Anonymous, 17 Feb 2022I have a Motorola now and don't like it I can't w... moreMotorola phones are so much better I had an LG Stylo 2,5, and 6. They switched to a media tech processor between the 5 and 6 and their phones are slow and laggy. And if you want endless ways to change your home page, icons, etc. Get the Microsoft App Launcher you can do so much to your whole layout.

                              • G
                              • Georgexhj
                              • iAE
                              • 26 Feb 2022

                              Anonymous, 17 Feb 2022I have a Motorola now and don't like it I can't w... moreDownload a custom launcher, for example Nova launcher. You can change the appearance of your phone as much as you like.

                                • J
                                • JoXim
                                • Yeu
                                • 17 Feb 2022

                                Anonymous, 17 Feb 2022I have a Motorola now and don't like it I can't w... moreThat is not Moto's fault, it is yours...
                                Why did you bought it in the first place?
                                Stock Android is not for everyone.
                                Btw, you can change overall look by just slapping some other launcher.
                                There are dozen of them in the Play Store.
                                I highly recommend Lawnchair 2 for exemple, and there is zillion of icon packs you can try with it.
                                Another great alternative is Microsoft Launcher.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • FIs
                                  • 17 Feb 2022

                                  I have a Motorola now and don't like it I can't wait to trade it in for a Samsung Motorola
                                  Dose not have an app theme wheir you can change the apps to what you want you can change the wallpaper but that's all I miss the LG phone they quit making those

                                    I wish there was a mode to shoot in 108mp mode and downscale to 12 or 27 or whatever megapixels afterwards, saving that huge amount of detail. I'm fine with processing taking a longer time for each photo if it means I get THAT much more detail.

                                      • M
                                      • Maina
                                      • 4k}
                                      • 16 Feb 2022

                                      Anonymous, 15 Feb 2022Of course that is why price of this freak dropped about %20... moreHonestly if I could, I would work for Motorola because I love their products lately and Moto is known for dropping prices like crazy. G200 is still around $600 and G100 is $400 so no idea what are you trying to say, but if you opt in for the Edge S30 like I did, it was $377 delivered from AliExpress. There is no better deal on a phone out there at the moment.....No idea why you hate on the G200 so much, but if it is because you can't afford it, just get the Edge S30, problem solved....

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • K$Y
                                        • 16 Feb 2022

                                        the angel of view is not great , brightness and contrast dropping fast on manual brightness , especially in landscape position.