Palm Pre 2

Palm Pre 2

User opinions and reviews

  • S
  • SAM
  • N9@
  • 10 Jun 2013

I have a palm pre 2 very fast for browsing i enjoyed the phone but the problem i have now the screen have spoiled am living in nigeria i don't know were to by it

    • k
    • kingsboss
    • MRB
    • 12 Apr 2013

    am i have forget everything i used as my pin code and profile .how can i make the phone usuable again.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • qJ8
      • 12 Dec 2012

      i honestly hate my phone ive had it about 3 months and it fell out of my hand shatered and now tells me i have to many cards but i cant figure out what that means and so through all this i say its a carful persons type of phone that cant be treated roughly

        • N
        • Nickynoo
        • nI6
        • 15 Nov 2012

        I've had this phone about 20 months now. Takes excellent pics. The sound is clear and loud. It's fairly fast too - not too slow.

        A few of its capabilities, I haven't used yet, like the GRPS. All the same, I've found it performs satisfactorily overall except you do have to remember to hit the icon for screen changes dead on centre otherwise it won't change first time.

        I like the feel of it in my palm because of the rubberized skin which makes it feel like you have a secure grip of it at all times and I don't mind the idea of an onboard keyboard either. As far as I know, it's poss to download a virtual keyboard for those who prefer those. Just shop about.

          • A
          • Anon
          • b$2
          • 26 Sep 2012

          Anonymous, 04 Jul 2012how to open lock of palm phone Download "HP webOS Doctor" software (use google, or login into your Palm Profile on and reinstall whole OS.

            • j
            • julius
            • UD{
            • 27 Aug 2012

            rani, 24 Aug 2012please tell me how to disable internet.. for example in the... moreon your screen click the call buttonthen click your network operator provider at the upper left corner. example (smart buddy). click preferences and accounts.go down and dis able data roaming. then disable data usage... and your good to go...

              • r
              • rani
              • utx
              • 24 Aug 2012

              please tell me how to disable internet.. for example in the corner of the screen the alphabet E is there. so my balance is 0 every time i recharge it.. i dont know what is the problem.. please solve the problem..

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • ut3
                • 04 Jul 2012

                how to open lock of palm phone

                  • q
                  • qraza
                  • sR4
                  • 28 Jun 2012

                  Sir, I needed the software of the said mobile

                    • H
                    • HP webOS TSR
                    • w0Q
                    • 09 Jun 2012

                    venkatesh, 07 Jun 2012hi i got dis phn from US.My question is how to connect dis ... moreHi! . . . . there's no need for you to install a software to sync the phone to PC...... it's plug and play....

                      • H
                      • HP webOS TSR
                      • w0Q
                      • 09 Jun 2012

                      venkatesh, 07 Jun 2012hi i got dis phn from US.My question is how to connect dis ... moreHi! . . . . there's no need for you to install a software to sync the phone to PC...... it's plug and play....

                        • v
                        • venkatesh
                        • ut3
                        • 07 Jun 2012

                        hi i got dis phn from US.My question is how to connect dis palm pre2 wit pc,i mean which software & where it is availble?

                          • P
                          • Pre 2 User
                          • I4Z
                          • 03 May 2012

                          I've had this phone for one month now. Outstanding UI, multitasking, etc... Smooth as silk. Greatest 3G phone ever. If you get a Pre 2 check out webOS Nation Forums for many useful apps, patches, how to instructions. You can make this phone sit up, roll over, fetch, jump through hoops so easily. :D

                            • C
                            • Chowdary
                            • uWt
                            • 25 Apr 2012

                            Hey, i brought this from America two months back, i am not satisfied with this phone, cause useless bluetooth and web browser too, till now it doesn't connect with other devices via bluetooth,browser too..
                            i think its not friendly and Compatibility for india.
                            there are some more points to improve this device.
                            when i opened the message its not allowed to go back inbox, second when i am trying to store some videos from my laptop, all videos are disappered.
                            So guys think once its suitable device for us or not

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Ixw
                              • 17 Apr 2012

                              maker555, 16 Mar 2012if i whould buy i whould put it in a glass box ans stare at... moreWhere did you learn to spell?

                                • m
                                • maker555
                                • Sr1
                                • 16 Mar 2012

                                if i whould buy i whould put it in a glass box ans stare at it fo days. I dont know realy why,but its just so BEAUTIFOUL omg i whould EAT it... Ive used ios,android,simbyan and i like all of those operating sistems but the leak of MULTITASKING im obsesed with this phone. But I DONT HAVE IT DAAAMMMMNNNN!!!! I cant buy it :( i neeed heellllppp (i live in slovenija) just for those who read this :) PLEASE HELP ME :)

                                  • p
                                  • pj
                                  • 7jW
                                  • 28 Feb 2012

                                  can anyone pls tell me frm where i can get its free appss and games i tried to download from its inbult hp store but every tym i open it .. It say pls try ltr i dnt knw why and alsoo how to use its bluetooth.... :(

                                    • J
                                    • Joey
                                    • SiH
                                    • 26 Feb 2012

                                    @Ricky...u can get this phone from

                                      • R
                                      • Ricky
                                      • s8E
                                      • 08 Feb 2012

                                      From where i can get Palm handset can anyboby tell me.

                                        • b
                                        • bevelhead
                                        • 8bM
                                        • 14 Jan 2012

                                        I have progressed from a Tungsten to a Treo 680 to a Pre Plus to this Pre 2, and have been satisfied with the performance and transition ... until this one. The transition was dreadful, losing most of my apps' data, but the device is excellent. Then HP insisted on 'upgrading' from WebOS 2.1.0 to 2.2.4. I have rebuilt the phone four times, the last time with a complete wipe, and every time the phone would not allow calls out (except to voicemail or a missed call) when the latest OS is running. Guess what? They cannot revert to the old OS, so far cannot fix this glitch.