Top 10 trending phones of week 26

30 June 2024
Samsung Galaxy A55 is back on top, but Xiaomi still has two phones on the podium.

  • t
  • thats right
  • snM
  • 02 Jul 2024

RealLifePhones, 01 Jul 2024GSMA please start including all phones in this list and not... moreBravo

    I hope GSMARENA brings back the FLASHBACK section on weekends, 3 months that is conspicuous by its absence


      GSMA please start including all phones in this list and not just the latest ones. If an old phone is the most trending than this list should reflect that.
      Or rename this section to "trending phones of 2024" or something along those lines to make it clear that only recently launched phones are in this list.

        • D
        • Dom
        • raN
        • 01 Jul 2024

        Whatevs, 01 Jul 2024What a fake trending list of phones, GSMArena. LOLThey make this fake list of trending phones because if we realize that our old phones like the iPhone XS Max are still great, then we might stop feeding into the cycle of overconsumption that sites like gsmarena profit from

          • W
          • Whatevs
          • XS8
          • 01 Jul 2024

          What a fake trending list of phones, GSMArena. LOL

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • GQQ
            • 01 Jul 2024

            On what basis they rank these phones. A55 is overpriced, slow charging and heating issues. How come it's always on top.

              pl2rts, 30 Jun 2024Samsung A5X is trending as top 1 to a point new generation ... moreOverpriced phones usually are popular. They are popular, this is why they are overpriced!

                Samsung A5X is trending as top 1 to a point new generation of the model coming out.
                It's feels so fake that one middle class over priced phone trending top 1 or 2 trough out 12 months. It's should be like top 1 phone in the world that makes records on sold phones live every month and every year. It should be on the level like decades ago was Nokia 5110 or 3310

                So i would think this trending is fabricated with bots to hold it on top year around
                Especially as the 7th rank is first iPhone
                That daily trending there is like top 1 as iPhone from 2018 and none is modern latest models.