YouTube is testing live chat summaries, channel QR codes and effects for Shorts

14 June 2024
The new features will remain exclusive to a small batch of users part of the YouTube experiments program.

  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • IWH
  • 16 Jun 2024

FatShady, 14 Jun 2024i just want the option to block people on youtube, i'm... moreThis and bot/scam profiles..

    • J
    • Jason
    • F10
    • 15 Jun 2024

    i want to post gifs in comments. I dont really need a chat summary because I like finding out for myself. But I can see how chat summary would be good for the content creators.

      i just want the option to block people on youtube, i'm sick and tired of seeing reaction channels aka parasites...

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • pKL
        • 14 Jun 2024

        Anonymous, 14 Jun 2024I just want a 'Disable Shorts' option on the YT appYes this. But they won't as shorts is like crack for the mind.

          • N
          • Ng
          • tVt
          • 14 Jun 2024

          Please youtube, fix the stupid bug/glitch, youtube short 90% of time caption now showing up, i need keep tap option, caption, english (auto)

            • A
            • Annonnymoose
            • thY
            • 14 Jun 2024

            Koishi Komeiji, 14 Jun 2024After this, now we just missed it about important news from... moreTo add salt-on-wound on ruining viewership experience, YouTube also does not crackdown on malicious ads in their platform.

            Malicious ads such as:
            Malvertisment (Malware Ads)
            Scamvertisment (Scams Ads)
            Falsevertisment (False Ads)

              Koishi Komeiji, 14 Jun 2024After this, now we just missed it about important news from... moreif yt can improve then so is ad blockers

                Anonymous, 14 Jun 2024If Google put as much effort into the videos as it does its... morehahaha

                  YouTube is also testing inserting ads directly into the video stream, so all this is super useless if I have to watch unskippable ads before, in the middle, and after the video! :(

                    After this, now we just missed it about important news from YouTube

                    YouTube is testing A/B ads on sponsorship live stream and therefore, Adblock can't stop it. More ruining to viewers, Video playback are now required non-users to sign up which MORE dangerous to data privacy being irrelevant. (Just in case, it's their own experiment)

                    Its time to move on to other platform than YouTube

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 0p}
                      • 14 Jun 2024

                      They should have just fix their audio compression cause lately it just get worse, ain't can hear anything clearly cause they all sound like someone get asthma.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • atq
                        • 14 Jun 2024

                        If Google put as much effort into the videos as it does its ads I'd be much happier. Ads are louder and better sound quality than the videos. Ads come first user experience last.

                          • D
                          • David
                          • 3av
                          • 14 Jun 2024

                          All YouTube does is get worse and worse. So over bloated now with features no one wants like Shorts and the Zoom function which you always select by accident when trying to fill the screen.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • CbD
                            • 14 Jun 2024

                            I just want a 'Disable Shorts' option on the YT app