iOS 18 to bring text effects to iMessage, updates to Control Center

01 June 2024
iOS 18 will be introduced on June 10 at WWDC.

  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • YUU
  • 01 Jun 2024

🥱🥱🥱😪😴 boring... Already heard this rumors like months ago 🙄

    The Settings overhaul is so long overdue.. And let's not forget the support for RCS in iMessage.

      Do iMessage users actually use those fancy animations features other than for the first few minutes of discovering it?

        DaFink, 01 Jun 2024Not a situation I have ever run into personally. Maybe your... moreBeing an Apple user and tech-savvy are two opposite spectrums lol.

          WhoCaresTM, 01 Jun 2024You can't learn something that is different for every ... moreIf you aren't using bottom screen navigation (the three buttons, usually square, circle and triange) there is litteraly the swipe gesture from the left side of screen (the edge) that you use to go back or use the top left corner to go back (the < icon).

          The fact that people need explaing on this is mindblowing. This wasn't invented yesterday.

            • W
            • WhoCaresTM
            • 0mU
            • 01 Jun 2024

            Mimster, 01 Jun 2024I'm sorry to say this but you should go back to your n... moreYou can't learn something that is different for every single app out there.
            Sometimes it's swiping from the left. Sometimes it's swiping from the top. Sometimes it's swiping from the bottom. Sometimes there's an x or arrow, top left, or top right, or bottom.
            Sometimes it's all of the above within different sections of the same app.
            A monkey with a lobotomy would be able to design a better navigational system.

              Almand, 01 Jun 2024What is so hard to understand about it? If people are ok w... moreNot a situation I have ever run into personally. Maybe your just not tech savvy enough to use it 🤷

                Honestly, the only good thing so far about iOS 18 is the probability of RCS finally...

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • vak
                  • 01 Jun 2024

                  Ikr that green is blinding and ugly

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • JH2
                    • 01 Jun 2024

                    Fancy animated text messages are coming to iOS, yay.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • I@H
                      • 01 Jun 2024

                      Almand, 01 Jun 2024What is so hard to understand about it? If people are ok w... moreFound the Gen Z commenter.

                        WhoCaresTM, 01 Jun 2024The first iteration of Symbian was a billion times more int... moreI'm sorry to say this but you should go back to your nostalgy of a phone if you really miss it.

                        You don't really have to buy or keep a iOS or MacOS device if you don't like it.

                        As long as people tend to have more than 10 IQ, they should manage to learn the gestures and/or the Apple ecosystem in 2-3 days (more or less). It's not for people who can't get out of their Android bubble or in this case Symbian devices.

                        I had Symbian back in the day, Android/Samsung most of my life and decided to make a change, it's not that bad like most of the people make it. Its simple, clean and distinguish (if you will) people's IQ from other no-clue-phone-users.

                          WhoCaresTM, 01 Jun 2024The first iteration of Symbian was a billion times more int... moreWhat is so hard to understand about it?
                          If people are ok with a mess like a jungle where they lose stuff and can't seem to find what they are looking for some times for hours, why not?!

                            • M
                            • Must300
                            • 3Q{
                            • 01 Jun 2024

                            WhoCaresTM, 01 Jun 2024The first iteration of Symbian was a billion times more int... moreI agree, symbian was only lacking apps, but i really enjoyed the OS, shame that we do not have any other competence, i also miss Windows Phone from time to time, nowadays you're stuck with Android or Apple.

                              • W
                              • WhoCaresTM
                              • 0mU
                              • 01 Jun 2024

                              The first iteration of Symbian was a billion times more intuitive than iOS. Having no universal back button for decades is ridiculous. I can't believe people would use iOS for free, let alone pay for it.