Reuters: ByteDance would prefer TikTok shutdown in the US instead of divesting

26 April 2024
ByteDance plans to challenge the ban in court and has no plans to sell off TikTok's US business.

  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • thb
  • 01 May 2024

Vasra, 29 Apr 2024Hope ByteDance doesn't sell. We need an alternative to... moreThey dont want competition that's why they ban them.

    Lancewood, 27 Apr 2024You are not OK with Chinese made apps but you are OK using ... moreUh, hello? I use Samsung phones only, which are made in Vietnam. Please don't judge me until you know me better.

      • x
      • x
      • mTv
      • 30 Apr 2024

      Please follow with an EU ban

        • q
        • qq
        • ph{
        • 30 Apr 2024

        Chip, 26 Apr 2024The CIA is also likely tracking my mouse cursor replying to... moreKind a sarcastic bad joke....There are tons of tracking scripts that actually analyzing user behaviours and it's patterns.And people can be tracked even if they spoof their device, user agent, ip , screen resolution...And it's kind a standard nowadays.And there we go, tik tok izzz badd? Oh really...

          • q
          • qq
          • ph{
          • 30 Apr 2024

          Anonymous, 27 Apr 2024Move on. There was no WMD, Saddam did not have an advanced ... moreJust remember urgent democratization of Japan empire.Nuts..
          I don't like tik tok, but still, it's too obvious that it's politically motivated restrictions.So called "misinformation" that spreading in tik tok is really very inconvenient and damages western media propaganda effectiveness.

            Hope ByteDance doesn't sell. We need an alternative to the Apple-Google-Meta-Twitter propaganda storm. Yeah, even if it's Chinese. At least it's not under the same NSA-CIA control as all the US social media.

              • S
              • Spike
              • xfi
              • 29 Apr 2024

              There is a reason why I don't have an account and why patriotic people should Not!

                • n
                • ni
                • ALv
                • 28 Apr 2024

                Tons of Chinese propaganda, everyone knows the opposite is true

                  • n
                  • no
                  • ALv
                  • 28 Apr 2024

                  Fighter Fish, 27 Apr 2024The US government to its people is acting like that control... moreReplace us with xi in China you'll get@ 5 year behind bars

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Dkc
                    • 28 Apr 2024

                    Emeraldgamesharks, 28 Apr 2024Its long overdue. Fb and google and the rest have long been... moreWhy not asking Google and others why they don't want to work in china

                      • E
                      • Emeraldgamesharks
                      • DxW
                      • 28 Apr 2024

                      Its long overdue. Fb and google and the rest have long been banned in China. U.S should do the same with CCP apps

                        The US government to its people is acting like that control freak insecure lover

                          • o
                          • om
                          • S37
                          • 27 Apr 2024

                          Europe all the acts demand transparency interesting times bytedance is the first to cave in all the others will follow

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • kt$
                            • 27 Apr 2024

                            Anonymous, 27 Apr 2024The highest number of killings of important persons and pol... moreWhat’s the names for China’s agencies like the CIA and FBI?

                            Hahaha. I’ll wait while you look it up. That’s how ignorant you are about China. It’s popular and trendy to hate the CIA because people usually aren’t informed enough to know much else.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • kt$
                              • 27 Apr 2024

                              Yawn. I see the poorly informed anti-American crowd is out in force here. Maybe look up how many apps and sites are banned in China before posting. Even this site is influenced by China and will delete your comment if you post certain things about the country’s leader. The most populous country in the world has banned tik tok, and guess what, everyone survived.

                                • L
                                • Luk
                                • 3LZ
                                • 27 Apr 2024

                                JoXim, 26 Apr 2024Next is X and then GSMArena if they dare to give 4.0 to som... more🤣🤣🤣🤣

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 38F
                                  • 27 Apr 2024

                                  Good for TikTok! The American market has become incredibly restrictive for companies, more so than China's.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 38F
                                    • 27 Apr 2024

                                    Good for TikTok. It's frightening to see how restrictive the US government has made its market. It's almost exclusively a government controlled blob hiding behind a handful of company names. Despicable!

                                      • A
                                      • Annonnymoose
                                      • thY
                                      • 27 Apr 2024

                                      It's better for tiktok to leave / exit the US market.

                                      It's all about acquiring or obtaining tiktoks secret sauce algorithm.

                                      One the secret sauce algorithm is obtained, they can finally throw you tons and tons of ads .

                                      Ads that disrupt your viewing pleasure, ads that are user specific targeted, ads that are loud and have annoying music / jingles, ads that offer scams, ads that have malware, ads that collect and steal data and personal info.

                                      Also, these companies will add an arbitration clause in their TOS since they can not be bothered to protect your personal information if they get hacked and stolen.

                                        • W
                                        • WhoCaresTM
                                        • 0mU
                                        • 27 Apr 2024

                                        Anonymous, 26 Apr 2024As opposed to guns being legal to own in America which is m... moreWhy does one exclude the other?

                                        Guns kill in seconds. Tik Tok kill in years. They're both despicable, but at least you can use a gun for defense, you can't use Tik Tok for anything other than brainrot.