Apple Vision Pro torture test is hard to watch but pretty informative

03 February 2024
The headset faired pretty well with bumps and drops.

  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • spX
  • 06 Feb 2024

Anonymous, 05 Feb 2024What's the chance of dropping it this way in real worl... more3.1415926535897932384626433%

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • y2g
    • 05 Feb 2024

    What's the chance of dropping it this way in real world scenario?

      • S
      • S
      • xjH
      • 05 Feb 2024

      Anonymous, 04 Feb 2024There's an audience for this stuff, generating a lot o... moreI agree with your point mostly.
      But car tests are done by companies who got their own production facilities.
      Random social media guys don't do those tests for car, although i never searched for such things anywhere till now but i will try to find such things if they exist.

        Anonymous, 04 Feb 2024" I have never seen any stress test done on cars by tu... moreWhy so triggered that you need to be offensive with calling me a boomer just cause i never see stress test done on cars ? What even makes me a boomer ? I dont understand this word in my comment context. Not seen something makes me a boomer ? I have not seen a real life Eskimo also so i really must be a boomer

        I think there should be some stress test on Tesla Cybertruck also made. G wagon is a car that have been made like 50 years or more and it's durability have gone down like most of the German cars that use to be best on surviving long term but now are like the rest of the cars made in Western world not to last so you spend more money on repairing so they can make a ton of money on spare parts.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • cV6
          • 04 Feb 2024

          pl2rts, 04 Feb 2024""Just like the Euro NCAP or the IIHS tests cars ... more" I have never seen any stress test done on cars by tubers"

          Boomer, check this tuuber out... 🤣

            Anonymous, 04 Feb 2024There's an audience for this stuff, generating a lot o... more""Just like the Euro NCAP or the IIHS tests cars and obliterates them. Of course, cars are different since they can affect people's lives, but they're still similar.""

            It's totally different as these NCAP and IIHS are testing for the passenger safety and cars need to past these test to be able to be sold in the first place. The models that dont pass these test wont end up in the market.

            Electronics companies all have there own test to do before they can have the product in the market and they do them in labs. These stress tests the tubers do are for products that have gone to sale and passed all the lab tests.

            I have never seen any stress test done on cars by tubers

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • PU4
              • 04 Feb 2024

              Anonymous, 04 Feb 2024I think you should meet with real people to know that your ... moreTechnical edge is quintessential, as material is indifferent from ideas.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • NhR
                • 04 Feb 2024

                S, 04 Feb 2024I don't understand you all so called social media tech... moreThere's an audience for this stuff, generating a lot of traffic and money for people doing the test. Over time, they recoup their investment. That investment goes into buying even more devices to test. People feel reassured that their tech is tough enough, and they buy.
                It's a completely healthy cycle. Just like the Euro NCAP or the IIHS tests cars and obliterates them. Of course, cars are different since they can affect people's lives, but they're still similar. It may look cringey to you, but it's actually helpful.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • d%A
                  • 04 Feb 2024

                  Anonymous, 04 Feb 2024Why it was hard to watch? I could watch it without any &quo... moretechie cultists...

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 3SI
                    • 04 Feb 2024

                    Anonymous, 04 Feb 2024Some prefer to call it hate because hate is a cheap sentime... moreI think you should meet with real people to know that your generalization about „superiority complex“ is not true. Or maybe you‘re a kid that got teased in school about its phone and now has to project its feelings onto a large part of the population.

                    Only conversations I experienced in this regard when I was young was that a new Android user would talk sh*t like „haha my phone has 8 cores, the iPhone only has 2. You people are so stup*d for buying iPhones“ and those who used iPhones would say „whatever“ and move on. And that‘s how it feels on the internet as well.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 3kS
                      • 04 Feb 2024

                      Anonymous, 03 Feb 2024Hard to watch? The haters here will love it! Like the Andro... moreSome prefer to call it hate because hate is a cheap sentiment, but it's actually mockery.
                      Apple users on the other hand tend to have a superiority complex that is quite pitiful.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • rKX
                        • 04 Feb 2024

                        pl2rts, 04 Feb 2024To be honest i dont see the point of why it needs to be gla... moreBecause glass is glass and glass breaks

                        And for phone companies that's a good thing

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • LiP
                          • 04 Feb 2024

                          Why it was hard to watch? I could watch it without any "hard" feelings.

                          It would be hard to watch if I was the one that bought it and broke it. Otherwise, no. Just no.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • K1C
                            • 04 Feb 2024

                            So this is where the pre-order goes to...

                              • S
                              • S
                              • xjH
                              • 04 Feb 2024

                              I don't understand you all so called social media tech people.
                              You guys keep testing every day by breaking devices and then say these devices are not good or very good.
                              Even military vessels made with tough metals break apart, lol.
                              You guys think that these glass made devices will stay alive with such high damage test.

                              You guys are just wasting valuable resources which took long efforts to make.
                              Keep doing such stupidity.

                                To be honest i dont see the point of why it needs to be glass on top to protect the cameras and the softer layer under it. Why not use some plastic that dont crack like spider web for glass does.

                                Bigger fail is the straps that fail and get broken where the wires go trough and some of the other parts. That magnet light cover is also fail. When you have like stone or concrete floor then that thing will break for sure in one lucky drop arter many cause the light cover is the place most would hold the thing up so that be nice if they have like some locking mechanism for it. But it looks by design made like this so the customers need to repair it.

                                For the price it looks like they used a lot of cheap materials when after like one drop it already lose one speaker. But well if your brand is so high in the clouds with people status symbol then they can set even higher price and people still buy it

                                  Well, at least it's extremely durable.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • IbL
                                    • 04 Feb 2024

                                    Thank you, it is informative.

                                    I can't afford it but I like to keep track of these things. I had a feeling inside that it would be fragile.

                                      Being used for torture test (for durability) is the only thing this overpriced VR headset is useful for. 😂

                                        He dropped it on wooden floor, which isn't as hard as concrete floor