YouTube's anti-ad blocker campaign isn't a "small experiment" anymore

31 October 2023
It's now a full-on global crackdown.

  • a
  • adblocker
  • gKB
  • 28 Nov 2023

Anonymous, 06 Nov 2023If you are blocking ads then you are stealing from creators... moreMate, who wants to pay for premium feature on a free website to watch censored videos? I don't care the slightest about the creator, he makes money off of viewers. If I am forced to pay for the ads to go away I'll just switch platform and never watch him again. And since more people are smart enough with their money than to pay just to remove ads from a free website, more and more people will move away from YouTube and that creator will have to go and look for a real job instead of pretending in front of a camera. The horror!!

    • e
    • english only
    • gKB
    • 28 Nov 2023

    Anonymous, 06 Nov 2023If you are blocking ads then you are stealing from creators... moreIf the viewer isn't happy and YouTube doesn't care about the creators why should the viewer care? Creators can go get a real job instead of pretending and censoring themselves online. If I want to watch ads I'll go watch tv since there are better things on there than someone talking in front of a camera. YouTube has gone too far with censorship and now ads. I hope it does get shut down, it's not like it's good anymore for anything else than music videos and only if you don't have autoplay on since there will be a stupid ad between songs and kill the mood.

      Anonymous, 06 Nov 2023If you are blocking ads then you are stealing from creators... morethere are always other video streaming websites besides youtube, so sorry.. i don't care if youtube is gone someday

        ublock origin always updated and no more

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • f3Y
          • 06 Nov 2023

          If you are blocking ads then you are stealing from creators in the partner program and making the case stronger for Google to shut YouTube down. How do you folks think those massive servers get paid for? If your not gonna pay for premium then watch the damn ads and skip when possible. I know someone is going to retort with 15 Billion REVENUE figure, but that's just that, REVENUE NOT PROFIT. I seriously doubt YouTube makes any sizeable profit. I suppose the good news is that you are all in the minority. Someone else will subsidize you greedy leeches with ads or premium. Bring the hate but bring it with a counter argument.

            • B
            • BJRG
            • g3$
            • 05 Nov 2023

            Stan, 03 Nov 2023I haven't come across it yet. The add-on I'm usin... moreNot anymore.

              • B
              • BJRG
              • g3$
              • 05 Nov 2023

              Just opened YouTube on desktop and now you cannot watch videos anymore even with adblocker enabled. You can't bypass the popup anymore. They have somehow managed to crack it down. F YT.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 8sc
                • 04 Nov 2023

                People in this comment section thinks running servers that hosts those videos come for free. I don't like Google either but everyone should have some common sense. At the least there should be a way by which you should support the creator who made the video you warch in youtube. For these reasons i have whitelisted adds for youtube, long way before these crack downs.

                  Stan, 03 Nov 2023I haven't come across it yet. The add-on I'm usin... moreWell said.

                    • S
                    • Stan
                    • LdI
                    • 03 Nov 2023

                    I haven't come across it yet. The add-on I'm using seems to be working so far. But if it does occur, I'll choose the third option - stop watching YouTube. I'm really not going to pay for YouTube and I'm really not going to watch a million ads.

                      • P
                      • Potato
                      • 0WA
                      • 03 Nov 2023

                      Jason, 02 Nov 2023Youtube in Japan doesnt let you use the picture in picture ... moreThat's everywhere, you can only use PiP in a browser, which is what I do. The youtube app is mid anyway.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • kx}
                        • 03 Nov 2023

                        All the people who want to pay to listen to music are on Spotify. You're just urging normal people to migrate...

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • X{1
                          • 03 Nov 2023

                          Anonymous, 02 Nov 2023Yep, got a problem with that corpo idiot?there's always some loser shilling for big corporations. hate those fools, these are the type that will let a corpo milk them dry and thank for it. and then the quality of service/products falls all across the board for everyone else...

                            • J
                            • Jason
                            • EUf
                            • 02 Nov 2023

                            Youtube in Japan doesnt let you use the picture in picture feature unless youre youtube premium. Thats wild.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • ftS
                              • 02 Nov 2023

                              As a paying YouTube Premium customer, I also get the message about ad-blockers. Why should I pay them anymore?

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • nmM
                                • 02 Nov 2023

                                i added anti anti ad block list for ublock origin and these messages has stopped.

                                Google should make youtube premium better(better tv series , cloud gaming service similar to geforce now etc) if they want my money.

                                  • c
                                  • carterdotn
                                  • QxC
                                  • 02 Nov 2023

                                  Anonymous, 02 Nov 2023Oh, don't install the version from Galaxy or Play stor... moreor better yet get youtube revanced lol

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • uv9
                                    • 02 Nov 2023

                                    Cpt.Power, 01 Nov 2023Well extensions i have for other brownsers. Not for TOR. ... moreTor browser does not include any extension other than NoScript. If an adblocking extension is there, you installed it yourself, and by doing so, you are compromising the fingerprinting protection.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • ndp
                                      • 02 Nov 2023

                                      Anonymous, 02 Nov 2023Ah. So you as a user are going to decide how much money Goo... moreYep, got a problem with that corpo idiot?

                                        Anonymous, 01 Nov 2023Yep, you can use your account to monitor your subscriptions... moreyou can monitor subscriptions through RSS, no need any account for that