X launches Premium+ and Basic subscription tiers

27 October 2023
The original Premium is now the middle option.

Want to know more about what happens in the X then just listen to the Joe Rogan podcast with Musk in spotify that was released like day or 2 ago. Listen from the man it's self and not what the media is talking from there own perspective. For far left even left is too right side

    Lister, 30 Oct 2023I don’t hate Musk, I just think his status is overblown. ... moreUsing words like worshipping and fans and so on. (It's really childish mindset to use these words is just to silence your opponent and you show that you have lost the argument cause you need to fall down to a level of offending)
    I am none of that. I just dont hate people cause of rumors.
    I judge them by there actions and we the people learn from our past mistakes.
    There are no flawless people who dont make mistakes but we can't hate them just cause they made a mistake and wont allow them a second chance. Even tough i dont think buying the twitter was a mistake on his part as that was only good for our world that all the problems was revealed to the world. Like shadow banning and child abuse content in the platform and also the massive amount of bots that was in the platform. Also a lot of corruption that was there and by the world leaders who we should trust no matter what.

    I respect him cause he dont allow power hungry people to step on him and control him and that he fights back on these forces.

      • L
      • Lister
      • dSV
      • 30 Oct 2023

      pl2rts, 29 Oct 20234. Lost revenue as advertisers left in droves You think ... moreI don’t hate Musk, I just think his status is overblown.

      His father admitted to putting him through school using money gained from an emerald deposit. That’s hardly a rags to riches story.
      I think he has a good eye for investment, but Twitter wasn’t one of his best moves.

      Stop getting all worked up because we’re not all worshipping him.

        DeepIn2U, 30 Oct 2023I think the reason many advertisers left the platform was d... morein reality, it isn't his political stance that hurt them. try visiting the website without logging into it and that alone already explains a lot. not to mention, spammers nowadays do pay for Premium in order to increase their effectiveness and reduce the chance of being shadowbanned.

          iDroid, 30 Oct 2023cry some more for your dear leader musk but he still doesn&... moreLook at you. Your so triggered on my opinion !

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • ijX
            • 30 Oct 2023

            pl2rts, 29 Oct 2023You do understand that the people didnt want to sell twitte... moreWho are you referring to with "these people". If you mean the general public who uses Twitter, then they have no legal standing on the legal issue. The complaint was lodged by Twitter for the non-compliance of the binding merger offer.

            He/his team should had conducted a through due diligence of Twitter, instead of blasting off on Twitter with vague threats and ultimatums (i.e. he could have found out that the general public were against him, instead of relying the opinion of his followers.)

            Regardless, Twitter is overvalued and he needs to start charging users as advertisers had left in droves due to their aversion to naughty speech. (cue the cries about PC & SJWs).

              pl2rts, 29 Oct 20234. Lost revenue as advertisers left in droves You think ... morecry some more for your dear leader musk but he still doesn't care about you

                • a
                • anon
                • 3SG
                • 30 Oct 2023

                too much people here discussing about political opinion when this is a tech website... geez

                  pl2rts, 29 Oct 20234. Lost revenue as advertisers left in droves You think ... moreI think the reason many advertisers left the platform was due to Elon's heavy R-wing stance on all things and you can tell this daily in his posts and features offered on the platform as well as 1 sided policing of posts/posters.

                  His advertisement statement for the purpose of X is sound. It just is not executed as such.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • gjD
                    • 29 Oct 2023

                    Anonymous, 29 Oct 2023True I remembere nobody bid for twitter when jack offere... moreIf 5 million people paid for premium+ at $16 a month it would take 45 years to get the 44 billion back. The company will be in debt for it's entirety

                      Lister, 29 Oct 2023Tesla was a genious and didn't inherit a fortune. You ... more4. Lost revenue as advertisers left in droves

                      You think he was the cause of that ???
                      He was the cause of it cause he bought the site and wanted to make it more free for people.
                      US gov is the part that sanctioned the site cause they didnt get to control it anymore so that is the cause of why they lost advertisers. You have no clue on the reasons but you blab about same things that all the media and leftist are talking about with no facts to proof with. It's a total hate speech that you are doing and spreading misinformation.

                      There is like personal vandeta on him like the man drive you over or caused your life to be in danger or something. The insane hate on this man that is the cause of your examples you make. There was an interview with UK so called reporter with Musk where that so called reporter also asked same questions and then hard core fail cause didnt get to give examples. Ahh people are talking. Who are the people ? Ah you know in the tweets. So give me example. I have not been there for a long time. So how you know that ? Ahh cause i use to visit and then there was people talking.

                      Your this type of person who have no clue about anything but have the need to misinformation and hate the guy where you have dont absolute zero research on your own.
                      You have opinion that is coded in you with manipulation and cant use your own head to actually make an opinion

                        Lister, 29 Oct 2023Tesla was a genious and didn't inherit a fortune. You ... moreWhat did Must inherit fortune ?? He was born in Africa with abusive father and he was involved with the Paypal and when that Paypal was sold he got the share of it and made him rich. Where as then he bought the technology of Tesla cars and made it big and then also went with the rockets building.

                        I am not fan of anyone! I just see people on what they have done in there lives and not how they act in life. Musk is a serious troll and loves to troll. He dont need to waste money on advertising as he's trolling in the social media is making him to be in the picture for free.
                        He is a hard working man who basically doing 7 days in a week work with 12 plus hours a day.

                        1. sacked more than half of his staff (resulting in more bots and less moderation)

                        Did you miss out on the video of a regular Twitter worker who made a video on how his daily work day was ?? He laid off a lot of useless workers that were paid cause they were diversity hire and not what they did as work. Some so called moderators even work like few hours a day and got paid for full time.

                        2, removed the verified tag and put it behind a pay wall (which enabled people to create fake accounts)

                        You know that these moderators sold people these verify tags in 5 digits price ?
                        There were a lot of people who applied for that tag and didnt get it cause they were not politically on the same lane as the people in Twitter so that was reason enough not to give them.
                        Also people got silenced and hide in the net so nobody will see what they tweet.

                        I dont use this site and know more then you who dont do any fact checks and just spew out what the mainstream media is talking that are alwasy 1000% lie

                          Anonymous, 29 Oct 2023Musk raised on the issue of twitter being a cesspool, and u... moreYou do understand that the people didnt want to sell twitter to Musk and when he tried to back off on buying it with the price he offered then these people wanted to sue him and force him to buy it so he had no choice left. Also he wanted to have free speech on the platform and people wont get canceled and banned.

                          Also there are no other billionaire that deserve any praise as they dont do anything.
                          You mean Amazon owner who just wanted game of thrones like popular series on it's steaming platform so he show middle finge to fans and source material of lord of the rings just to virtue signal message ?

                            • L
                            • Lister
                            • pLd
                            • 29 Oct 2023

                            pl2rts, 29 Oct 2023First of all i never made account in there and secondly i d... moreTesla was a genious and didn't inherit a fortune. You can't compare him to Musk.

                            Also in the last year:
                            1. sacked more than half of his staff (resulting in more bots and less moderation)
                            2, removed the verified tag and put it behind a pay wall (which enabled people to create fake accounts)
                            3. Crippled the site by reducing engagement
                            4. Lost revenue as advertisers left in droves

                              RevivalTweeter, 28 Oct 2023Is basically like Discord Nitro and Nitro Premium the expen... moreexcept, you had to pay just to create an account

                                Anonymous, 29 Oct 2023the platform cannot exist without users, therefore it is a ... moreNo platform can exist without users? Thats like saying a house can be a house with no foundation. Users are the foundation to the house (TikTok/any other platform)

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • fIZ
                                  • 29 Oct 2023

                                  pl2rts, 29 Oct 2023First of all i never made account in there and secondly i d... moreMusk raised on the issue of twitter being a cesspool, and used it to elevate his popularity.

                                  He employed standoff-ish acquisition tactics (ironically on twitter) and tried to backout of the deal at the last minute.

                                  The case went to court and Musk was forced to purchase Twitter at 44billion.

                                  He's ultimate goal was not for the betterment of the platform or free speech, it's for personal gain.

                                  I find it hilarious that Musk has garnered so many fanboys while other billionaires are despised.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • gwy
                                    • 29 Oct 2023

                                    Mills, 28 Oct 2023TikTok is objectively a good platform. It's the uers w... morethe platform cannot exist without users, therefore it is a terrible platform

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • rKx
                                      • 29 Oct 2023

                                      Mills, 28 Oct 2023TikTok is objectively a good platform. It's the uers w... moreThank God

                                      Its banned in my country

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • rKx
                                        • 29 Oct 2023

                                        Onanymaus, 28 Oct 2023He has been trying to get Twitter off his hands ever since ... moreTrue

                                        I remembere nobody bid for twitter when jack offered to sell it for 1 billion dollar
                                        Even Google apple rejects 1 billion dollar offer

                                        Not sure why elon musk paid 44 billions dollar for that

                                        But now with paid services he will get his money back within few years

                                        And happy birthday to X (One year since he bought that)