Google releases surprise Android 14 Beta 5, pretends it was scheduled all along

11 August 2023
Last month it clearly implied there wouldn't be another Beta release, but here we are.

This is the dumbest article I've ever read. The release got postponed so they made a new graphic, so what? What did you expect? That they would make a new one from scratch when they can just edit the existing one? Yes, the graphic designer made a small mistake when adding the new section but it's not that big of deal jesus. You're reading too much into it.

    • 3
    • 3ogdy
    • yP$
    • 13 Aug 2023

    I'd rather have 9 betas and a good RTM than fewer betas and plenty of hotfixes and bugfixes OTA.

    Not sure why you'd be angry at Google for admitting their software needs more polishing and for being willing to do a proper job. Software isn't easy. Especially not in an ecosystem as big as Android's.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • x}j
      • 12 Aug 2023

      Stoon, 11 Aug 2023i'm still on android 11 😊I'm with you on my A52s!

        RTamas, 11 Aug 2023Its simple, they wanted to go with another round so the tim... moreImagine if all the readers reacted this hard whenever GSM Arena has typos, incorrect information or stories that broke 2 days earlier.

          Anonymous, 11 Aug 2023Not a big fan on testing Beta software, I did it with andro... moreIts simple, they wanted to go with another round so the timeline was edited, simple as that

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Sec
            • 11 Aug 2023

            Not a big fan on testing Beta software, I did it with android 14 on Pixel 6a and probably won't do it again with android 15.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • XUv
              • 11 Aug 2023

              Stoon, 11 Aug 2023i'm still on android 11 😊I'm surprised that someone that comment on GSMArena on Android 11.
              I thought all tech enthusiast upgrade very often.
              I didn't expect someone reading news on new phone almost everyday just read thr news but not buy the stiff

                So what? Let them cook

                  • T
                  • Todd
                  • eWH
                  • 11 Aug 2023

                  If you look at their documentation for Android 14, it lists a Beta 5, so not sure why you think it was never intended.

                    • h
                    • haha
                    • mnM
                    • 11 Aug 2023

                    Google to fight hackers with weekly Chrome security updates but forgets the most important keeping Android up-to-date, Google is completely crazy?¿

                      Anonymous, 11 Aug 2023Realy!!!! This what you want to complain about??? This the ... moreTotally agree. If they find serious bugs, nothing surprising in them inserting an extra Beta, until they feel confident on a release.
                      And they might do so next month too...
                      Who cares id the time-line graphics illustrating this is not perfect.

                      Only those with ZERO insight&experience in development can think that there is anything wrong with a release being delayed to fix bugs. And the expected time-line adjusted accordingly.
                      SURE it is sad with delays, but get real, who wants a prematurely bug-ridden release over an extra beta?

                        I don't get why the author here is nitpicking a literal JPEG being one pixel off out of all things, and I'm a graphic designer myself who likes to perfect things. Also... what else do you think they could've done?

                        A14 can take as long as it takes, as long as it isn't super buggy at release.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-1094444
                          • gDC
                          • 11 Aug 2023

                          lol what is happening with Google and Samsung? So many mistakes and typos.

                            We're in silly season so you guys surprised at the "amateur photoshop job" etc? People in northern hemisphere are on vacations so in google's offices that photoshop work was done by the new kids out of college that had to stay there haha don't make a big thing out of this. Yes there was a problem, so what? Move along...

                              Rather 5th beta than 500 bug fixes,
                              Some other companies release updates every single month and most of that are nothing but a bug fixes.
                              Even for their very old devices.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-454049
                                • X@K
                                • 11 Aug 2023

                                Anonymous, 11 Aug 2023goodbye google pixellol soy

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-454049
                                  • X@K
                                  • 11 Aug 2023

                                  Better to have another beta release than buggy final software

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • d%A
                                    • 11 Aug 2023

                                    why so upset over some beta release ?

                                      • T
                                      • TeamPixel
                                      • yBj
                                      • 11 Aug 2023

                                      Bluewave, 11 Aug 2023Google are not in hurry, so it take all time necessary to f... moreExactly. The best mobile operating system in the world can take as long as it takes. Maybe the author is in too much of a hurry to test the new version, or maybe he's just not happy with his own life.

                                        • S
                                        • Stoon
                                        • fq$
                                        • 11 Aug 2023

                                        i'm still on android 11 😊