Weekly deals: the best smartphone deals from the US, the UK, Germany and India

30 July 2023
This week we focused on the Galaxy Z foldables pre-orders and possible alternatives to those two phones.

  • H
  • H
  • 3pT
  • 01 Aug 2023

Surely this mostly serves to get us used to phones costing amounts in the 4 digits instead of 3, right?

    • s
    • swaraj
    • CbG
    • 31 Jul 2023

    The first razr phone looked like an actual moto phone . Others look like cheap oem made phone . No taste really... just economic

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • nbe
      • 31 Jul 2023

      Comical prices.

        It shouldnt be called the best smartphone deals anymore, just "look, samsung phones, lets push them!" because they are always the devices this site now pushes as much as possible.

        That then google devices followed by apole and even motorolla now, been way more aggressive with it this year than ever before (i mean why would anyone want a pixel fold really, so many better foldables yet it was the 2nd most push device other than all samsung tech, cant be using "trade ins" as "good value it needs to be straight up full sale deals based on actual reduced pricing).

        Respect for this site drops day after day at this point because its so blatant what they are doing now (so obvious why the all samsung devices are the top 10 most trending devices, its all we get pushed in our faces).