Android 12L Beta 2 now available for eligible devices

13 January 2022
The Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro are not able to pull the Beta update just yet.

  • b
  • bigbruh
  • L@$
  • 27 Feb 2022

Anonymous, 15 Jan 2022"Android for tablets beta is available on non tablet d... moreits not only for tablets, its just a version of android that has better integration by screen size and format.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 0WA
    • 15 Jan 2022

    "Android for tablets beta is available on non tablet devices."

      • C
      • Callumlyne
      • 6Px
      • 15 Jan 2022

      Anonymous, 13 Jan 2022You get extra bugsYes I am facing so many bugs on my website. Plz visit my website Click here

        • Y
        • Your Father
        • Hkv
        • 14 Jan 2022

        Anonymous, 13 Jan 2022What is the difference between android 12 and 12L?Difference is Android 12L is for larger display and foldable where as Android 12 is for normal display with 6 to 6.55 ".

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • U@6
          • 13 Jan 2022

          Anonymous, 13 Jan 2022What is the difference between android 12 and 12L?You get extra bugs

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • I2d
            • 13 Jan 2022

            Their regular release contains so many bugs and brick phones. I wonder what these beta version would do to the poor pixel devices.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 6wN
              • 13 Jan 2022

              What is the difference between android 12 and 12L?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • U@6
                • 13 Jan 2022

                Google Bug 6 Pro, now with more Bugs.