Apple iPhone 13 to be mass produced in India starting Feb 2022, trial production begins

21 December 2021
It's the largest selling model in India in the lineup.

Note 20 Ultra, 31 Dec 2021Last 10 years ruled by different party alliance! While the ... moreI can also say whatever I want. But on argument, one needs correct sources. Both in parameters published by Niti Aayog and by independent agencies, TN consistently ranks in top positions in many parameters which it always has been in the past irrespective of whichever party was in power. But ofcourse, you'll deny all this in your myopic mind. One can wake a person who is asleep not a person who pretends to be asleep. Hope you'll get out of this bjp fanaticism.

    Akashraj, 24 Dec 2021Also, TN is the second richest state in India and consisten... moreLast 10 years ruled by different party alliance! While the present ruling dispensation was busy rioting all developments and chased away industries from the state! TN ranking high in human development is a big myth though definitely better than certain communist states. The State should have become California if it wasn’t for the two looting parties in the past 50 years

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • X9q
      • 29 Dec 2021

      AnonD-1030868, 21 Dec 2021Use Google (oh CEO is Indian too)It’s disgusting

        Note 20 Ultra, 22 Dec 2021This is second strike within months, even in Bengaluru Appl... moreAlso, TN is the second richest state in India and consistently ranks in good position in human development index. But unlike Maharashtra where more than 50% of the GDP comes from Mumbai alone, GDP in TN is comparatively more spread out among other population centres. You need to change whatever stereotypes and pre-notions you've in mind just because it's ruled by the party you didn't like.

          Note 20 Ultra, 22 Dec 2021This is second strike within months, even in Bengaluru Appl... moreI'm the local here. Contrary to what media might have fed you, whichever party in power here, both of them have same capitalist economic policies. They both promote big industries and have understanding with corporates for political benefits. That's why TN is the most industrialised state in India and communist party have less than 1% of vote share in the state.

            • k
            • kjv06
            • rx7
            • 23 Dec 2021

            What's the bet that the approx 55% tax we pay on the iPhones isn't going to reduce even after it is being manufactured in India lol!! Apple India and Indian govt are scammers!

              Akashraj, 22 Dec 2021God, here comes the conspiracy theorist. Labour unrest is d... moreThis is second strike within months, even in Bengaluru Apple factory communists tried sabotage using fire. Local government in Chennai has tactical understanding with communists in blocking many projects, keeping the state poor, devoid development. Using poverty as an excuse try to exploit resources later selling it for cheap to communists.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • P$N
                • 22 Dec 2021

                Wrong location, wrong product, failed expectations..
                All tech production line has been moving to Malaysia or Vietnam..
                Yes it’s more expensive but more effective..

                  Note 20 Ultra, 21 Dec 2021Today the Foxconn factory closed for one week due to labour... moreGod, here comes the conspiracy theorist. Labour unrest is due to poor maintenance of hostels and poor food quality for the workers which led to hospitalization of more than 100 female workers. Are you going to say now that workers faked being ill due to communist agenda?

                    Apple still sells at their inflated rate, absorbing more profits in the process.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-1030868
                      • gqq
                      • 21 Dec 2021

                      Anonymous, 21 Dec 2021They’re not. Let’s be realistic. Use Google (oh CEO is Indian too)

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • qLK
                        • 21 Dec 2021

                        [deleted post]They’re not. Let’s be realistic.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • qLK
                          • 21 Dec 2021

                          [deleted post]Haha. You joke, right?

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • Dk5
                            • 21 Dec 2021

                            Domestic production yet way too costly.

                              Today the Foxconn factory closed for one week due to labour unrest. Many are China sponsored activists in that State stopping all initiatives that challenges Chinese interests.