Energizer Power Max P490 and P490S have 4,000mAh batteries and four cameras

07 August 2018
The P490S is the LTE-enabled model with full-fat Android while the P490 is 3G only and runs Android Oreo Go edition.

Kiyasuriin, 07 Aug 2018I am. Noice

    Very basic crappy phones. If no fast charging it will take more than couple of hours to charge batteries, so it beats purpose to have big battery if you will charge it half of the day, move on nothing to see

      Force Majeure, 07 Aug 2018Snapdragons are reserved for 1 Class passengers, only...Kinda disagree personally. But that's just my opinion. ^^:

        • L
        • Luxor
        • uCk
        • 08 Aug 2018

        This phone seem only worth around $80 for me. Small, big battery, terrible chipset, small storage, android go. Yeah, definitely entry level.

          • F
          • Force Majeure
          • 3RY
          • 07 Aug 2018

          Kiyasuriin, 07 Aug 2018Same. I think a goodie 425 could replace the 6739.Snapdragons are reserved for 1 Class passengers, only...

            Walter C. Dornez, 07 Aug 2018You going for the Note 9?I am.

              Geric.770, 07 Aug 2018Hardcore Note lover... Same here! Even if I didn't own an... moreYou going for the Note 9?

                Geric.770, 07 Aug 2018Hardcore Note lover... Same here! Even if I didn't own an... moreI have used note 1,2,3,4,FE,8 And soon 9.
                All of them especially for scribbling note taking,and since the discovery of playing Osu on mobile thanks to Anirudh Rahul. I've been also playing Osu on Note phones.

                  Kiyasuriin, 07 Aug 2018//screams PEN support!!!!!!!!!!!111ononeoneoneeleventyone.... moreHardcore Note lover... Same here!
                  Even if I didn't own any, I'm really heading for a Note phone because of the specialness of the misunderstood S Pen which people called useless, but not for me.

                    Geric.770, 07 Aug 2018I don't think Energizer can do that hehe XD Anyways, Not... more//screams
                    PEN support!!!!!!!!!!!111ononeoneoneeleventyone.
                    I am an osu player, and love to use my phone as my notebook, so I love scribbling and drawing

                      • L
                      • Lazy
                      • L1f
                      • 07 Aug 2018

                      They are in 2011 still

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 3wp
                        • 07 Aug 2018

                        energizer please switch from MediaCrap to Snapdragon!

                        there is a market niche for phones with a big battery!

                        release a minimum of 5-6000mah battety phones with a mid-range chip. everything from Snapdragon 630 to 710.

                        and you will actually see people buying your devices!

                          Kiyasuriin, 07 Aug 2018Perhaps. This size of phone with SD845/6/128 And HD+ at thi... moreI don't think Energizer can do that hehe XD

                          Anyways, Note 9 is coming... What are the best features of the phone you liked?

                            Geric.770, 07 Aug 2018Maybe they don't have a good connection with Qualcomm? And ... morePerhaps. This size of phone with SD845/6/128 And HD+ at this very size and dimensions (perhaps for 550$) and I will squeal from joy ;w;

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • J9H
                              • 07 Aug 2018

                              Geric.770, 07 Aug 2018Alright. :) Thanks for that, but why manufacturers bother ... moreactually what degrades a battery during charging is mostly temperature and current... surely you have noticed a trend in fast charging, where rather than simply increasing the charging current (like for the 1st generation of fast charging devices) manufacturers started increasing the voltage.

                                Kiyasuriin, 07 Aug 2018//pouts Such a perfect scaled device! Why ruin with mediat... moreMaybe they don't have a good connection with Qualcomm? And ruin their battery king sized phones with MediaCrap?

                                  Anonymous, 07 Aug 2018mAh are a poor statement for capacity, and without comparin... moreAlright. :)
                                  Thanks for that, but why manufacturers bother fast charging which actually degrades battery life for a short time? Another BS business?

                                    Such a perfect scaled device! Why ruin with mediatek junk? ;_;

                                      Tee, 07 Aug 2018Energizer should focus on their better models. The Hardcas... moreSame. I think a goodie 425 could replace the 6739.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • J9H
                                        • 07 Aug 2018

                                        Geric.770, 07 Aug 2018Sorry, but 4000 mah is the new standard for Huawei and Xiao... moremAh are a poor statement for capacity, and without comparing other specs, such as the upper charge limit, you can't really say wether a 5000 mAh is really better than a 4000 mAh one.
                                        for example the very same battery could be limited at charging to 4V, 4.2V, 4.3V or even 4.45V (this is the case with most Xiaomi phones as I owned and reviewed many of them), but that would definitely lower their life cycle. You will get more energy stored in each cycle, but a battery will last fewer cycles.
                                        Of course a responsible and well informed user could take measures to counter that, and stop charging at 90% or 80%, but I'd question anyday as to wether it is appropriate to push a very delicate item, such as a Li-ion or Li-Po battery to such extent, just to flaunt 1000 or 2000 more mAh.