Google’s Hangouts on Air to be absorbed into YouTube Live next month

15 August, 2016
Hangouts on Air was introduced to the internet in 2012 when it introduced a new suite of features for Hangouts. Remember, at this time, where was less than a handful of platforms or apps that offered a live streaming video platform.

  • n
  • nickname
  • XQB
  • 17 Aug 2016

they wont be able to win against facebook live feature unfortunately
seems like google is either entering the party late or their products are becoming stale compared to competition
i have also started getting bored of youtube where you need to type what you want to see because their suggestions arent good enough whereas on facebook, there are videos of different genres available as suggestions and not the same genre or theme or channel you have seen

    • M
    • Morgh
    • 4Yj
    • 17 Aug 2016

    Let's see how long this would last!!

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • UD{
      • 16 Aug 2016

      so does this mean we can chat while on YouTube? :D